Tejaswi Yadav

Introspection and course correction time for intellectuals

We ordinary Indians humbly and sincerely hope you, major stakeholders in the country’s all-round development story, won’t fail to recognize your foolishness any more.

राजनितिक चरित्र के लुच्चापन का परिचायक

यंहा पर हम केवल बिहारी बाबू की ही चर्चा करेंगे।

The Bihar Elections and why “liberals” are trying to portray Tejaswi as a hero, even though reality suggests otherwise

Tejaswi Yadav was the deputy Chief minister of Bihar for 18 months and yet he doesn't have even a single accomplishment as the youngest…

Bihar: Elections that offered much more than victories, defeats

Key takeaways from this election are, even though NDA has won, the victory is not decisive. BJP will have a remote control of Bihar…

Poll 2020, thumbs up to BJP’s Corona management & Tejaswi politics

This result has reduced the grand old party to the level of political pariah not only in Bihar but also in all over India,…

What do the Bihar elections 2020 exit polls say?

The exit polls are out and it looks pretty clear that Bihar is going to see Tejaswi Yadav become its youngest-ever chief minister at…

Politics of Electoral Insurance- Modi-Shah style!

Post Bihar elections, what if Nitish Kumar takes another U-turn and does a Uddhav Thackeray on BJP? So how does Modi-Shah respond to this…

बिहार में का बा

ये एक ऐसा सवाल है जो चुनाव ख़त्म होने के बाद अगले पांच साल हम जरुर पूछते है पर जब वोट डालने का समय…