Rahul Gandhi Dumb

When Rahul Gandhi “was” my role model!

Fast forward almost 9 years, my role model has changed and I am proud of him!

We need a clean man Narendra Modi and not those on bail to achieve Swacch Bharat in Indian politics

People must recognize how certain forces spread and sell lies and are virtually on bail.

Rahul Gandhi need bedtime story teller to learn politics

Can Rahul Gandhi claim that since he has inherited the age old party in India so it is his birth right to become Prime…

‘The Great Raghul Gandhi Knowledge Fair’ in foreign soil

Let Raghul Gandhi be ignorant at his personal level or as president of congress party but let us not allow his ignorance to ruin…

The wink of Priya Varrier versus wink of the Dynast in Parliament

Hug and Wink: Rahul Gandhi loves this business of entertaining the country people.

क्यों राहुल गाँधी केवल कांग्रेस के लिए ही नहीं अपितु देश के युवाओं के भविष्य के लिए भी उचित नहीं

राहुल गाँधी जो की पार्टी का बेड़ा पार नही कर पा रहें वे देश का भावी क्या सुधारेंगें?

अविश्वसनीय कांग्रेस

कांग्रेस आसमान में उड़ती उस पतंग की तरह है जिसकी डोर कट चुकी है, भले ही कुछ देर हवा में लहरा ले, अंत में…

Why Rahul Gandhi’s politics of love sounds hollow

How much Congress would stoop to, to win the 2019 general elections?

From Shehzada to Jahan Panah of INC, after losing Panipat

A machine might be invented that can transform potatoes into gold but no machine can transform an indolent man to an influential leader.

यही मोदी का “गुजरात मॉडल” है

घोर जातिवाद और साम्प्रदायिकता की राजनीती करने वाली मायावती को भी अब "गुजरात मॉडल" समझ आने लगा है.