Islamic Terrorism in Kashmir

The faceless and dangerous ‘deep state’

As per 'BBC Hindi', pre-Diwali house-cleaning is a Brahminical patriarchal torture on Hindu women. And the latest one is Congress leader Shivraj Patil's statement…

कश्मीर में फिर से आतंक, डर से पलायन शुरु, सरकार का आतंकी क्लीन अभियान शुरु

केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह की NSA अजीत डोभाल के साथ हुई बैठक के बाद आईबी के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी को श्रीनगर भेजा गया…

What Bihar election results teaches to Hindus

BJP won 74 seats in Bihar election while RJD won 75 seats But the problem why Owaisi party won 5 seats needs to be…

India: Where a strand of hair transcends the plight of Lakhs

In 1963 the whole of Kashmir plunged into despair and wrath over the loss of a holy relic, a strand of hair, a facial…

Girija Tickoo murder: Kashmir’s forgotten tragedy

her dead body was found roadside in an extremely horrible condition, the post-mortem reported that she was brutally gang-raped, sodomized, horribly tortured and cut…

कश्मीर भाग 1: भारतवर्ष के सनातन का केंद्र बिंदु रहे कश्मीर के इस्लामीकरण की प्रक्रिया

अखंड भारत का केंद्र बिंदु रहे कश्मीर का पिछली कुछ शताब्दियों का इतिहास हिन्दुओं के रक्त से रंजित है। इस इतिहास के हर पन्ने…

Lessons from Trumpland: Until the police arrive

Tribute to Veer Savarkar, a visionary who had called upon Hindus to militarize long ago. He had seen this predicament and knew that Hindus…

Who were the most unfortunate people in modern Indian history?

On 4th January 1990, Srinagar based newspaper Aftab published a warning that if the Kashmiri Pandits din’t vacate their homes and leave the valley…

70 साल का दंश खत्म, देश के लिए एक नई सुबह का आगाज़

अलगवाद, आतंक और हिंसा की मार झेल रहा कश्मीर अब भारत का सिरमौर बनेगा, विकास की नई गाथा लिखी जाएगी।

The Pulwama aftermath: Whither to from here?

For every terrorist killed, a hundred rioters could easily be recruited. The experience of Israel is very much before us.