COVID-19 lockdown

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) role played during the pandemic: SKY is the limit

In this war against the virus, few partners stood the way with the government in combating this virusà of which one should remind is…

Social distancing in a civilized society

This highly infectious fatal disease (COVID -19) gave us an opportunity to bring this noble habit of ‘social distancing’ into practice in our day-to-day…

In the last 24 hours, 18 people died in Rangpur

502 people have been newly identified. With this, the number of patients identified as corona in Rangpur division has reached 47,97.

The child right under COVID-19 crisis

After the lockdown and shutting of schools, most children are deprived of education. The shift of education on online-based created inequality among poor children…

Covid-19 and politics of funeral pyres

There have been stories abound of the scums from the deep gutters of human filth who see a calamity as grave as this also…

The Golden bird must recover soon to fly again

The golden bird called India today is at a brink of losing its glory - its people, its lifeline. A nation without its people,…

Strict curbs imposed in Maharashtra after surge in Covid-19 cases

On Wednesday night, the Maharashtra government announced a series of restrictions called "Breaking the Chain" to combat the deadly increase in coronavirus cases in…

Seafarers: ‘Ever given’ a thought?

The world is bleeding millions every day. This is the only reason why a ship has become priority.

कोरोना काल में त्यौहार पर आपका दायित्व

जैसा सभी को मालूम ही है कि दशहरा फिर दीपावली त्यौहार आ रहे हैं और हम सब इन त्यौहारों पर पटाखे वगैरह फोड़ते हैं…

कोरोना के साथ जीने की आदत डालनी होगी

श्विक महामारी कोरोना ने पूरी दुनिया बदल दी है इस तथ्य को कोई नकार नहीं सकता। आपके ध्यान्नार्थ किंग्स कॉलेज - लन्दन के शोधकर्ताओं…