Sunday, October 27, 2024
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Prisoners of money

What is happiness? Does happiness come after living in high society? Or number of materialistic goods are the index of happiness? Or if you are living in bigger city then you will be happier than person living in village? I think happiness is not something you experience, it’s something you remember. Happiness is a feeling of contentment that life is just as it should be. In this world, there are around 84 lakh variety of organisms. The only human in all organisms earns money. How strange is that no animal ever dies of hunger and human stomach never fills! He keeps running behind money thinking that he can buy happiness at later point.

I remember those days, in school it was taught to us that poor lives in village. One day, I got a chance to visit my own ancestral place. I visited some of our old relative. What I found was just opposite of it. They own acres of land but we own flat of 1000 sq ft area. They have plenty amount of vegetables and fruits but we buy them just like peanuts from shopping mall. They have four pets and we have single pet. They have full river to swim and we have small swimming pool with chemical water. They have full village as their family but we have around 5 members in our family and we hardly know our neighbors. They have full greenery as their air conditioner but we have small AC which works with electricity. They don’t need water purifier but we are not getting purified water even after having purifier. They breath clean air but we breath polluted air. They have lot of gardens and we hardly have any. Finally, I realized that the poor live in city but not in village.

Sometime I think, whatever we are taught or see in the world is completely myth. Since childhood we are told, “Life is a race, you have to run and win”. But could not understand what kind of race it is. A race of money or a race of success or a race of power or a race of happiness? What if we get money or success or power but not happiness? Now, people will say if you are rich then it means you are successful & it means you are happy. With this logic, Bhutan should not be counted among happiest country. But study says that Gross Happiness Index of Bhutan is much higher than other country and Qatar which is richest country in the world, is not the happiest country. Happiness is a state of mind. having money or not having it is irrelevant to the point of happiness. Remember every happy person is successful in his life but not every successful is happy.

When a child is born, society starts teaching him how to become rich but nobody tells him how to become happier in his life. So just after 2-3 years of his birth he is pushed to this life race and he does not know where he is going. He follows what he is asked to. He starts finding happiness in money. I remember when I was 10-year-old, my father used to give me 20/- bucks as pocket-money. Initially, it brought me instant happiness. But after some month, It was just normal. It was not bringing happiness anymore. I asked my father to increase my pocket-money.

Dad: Why do you want more pocket-money?
Me: My friends are getting more pocket-money. I am not able to purchase KitKat which I like it. I can only buy kismi Bar.
Dad: But Initially, you were so happy. Don’t you?
Me: Yes, But I do not like those earlier chocolates anymore and KitKat is expensive.
Dad: How much more pocket-money you want?
Me: I said 50/ bucks.
Dad: OK. But I will not increase after that.

As soon as he said OK. I hugged him and started dancing thinking now I would be getting same happiness as of my other friends who were getting more pocket-money. Later after few months again life had become normal. I met with my new friends who were getting more pocket-money than me. Now, I was not getting my happiness with 50/- bucks anymore. I asked my dad again and same conversation began now.

Dad: Why do you want more pocket-money? I already increased it just 6 month before.
Me: I made my new friends. Now I am not able to go with them since I don’t have enough money.
Dad: But 6 month before, you asked only 50/- bucks. You hugged me as well. I thought you were satisfied.
Me: Yes, but my friends are enjoying more but I am not.
Dad: How much more pocket-money you want?
Me: I said 70/- bucks.
Dad: Ok. But again, he said I will not increase after that.

Since I am a single son of my parents, they kept on fulfilling my wish. Every few months later, I used to have similar arguments. With my arguments, they kept on increasing my pocket-money to some extent. I learned one thing from it, humans are more adaptable to condition. Money can increase sudden happiness but not permanent happiness. Same is happening with our jobs too. I think it was not the problem with our childhood or adulthood. It was the problem with our learning which made us to seek happiness in money and comparing with others. We still think at some point we will not feel for more money and will find real happiness. But it is never-ending process.

Sometime I think, money is worst creation of mankind. Root cause of majority of our problem is money. We have just made our life complicated with our own creation and become prisoner of it. Sometime people says, we earn money to fulfill our dreams. But in true sense, 70% our dream requires passion and commitment but not much money. Still In the blind life race, we forget our 70% dreams to full fill rest 30%. Are we up to it? I think No. Some gives argument about poor, how will they get happiness. I will say to them “If you are in tears, then yes money can buy happiness.” But not after that. Money is just like water. Everybody need water to survive. But having lot of water will not add any value. We may keep wasting it.

क्या NDTV की दुकान अब बंद होने वाली है?


विवादों में रहने वाले न्यूज़ चैनल NDTV के मालिक और चेयरपर्सन प्रणय रॉय और राधिका रॉय के दिल्ली और देहरादून स्थित ठिकानों पर सी बी आई ने एक बैंक धोखाधड़ी के मामले में छापेमारी की है. NDTV द्वारा कानून के साथ खिलवाड़ करने का यह पहला मामला नहीं है. FEMA कानून के उल्लंघन के सिलसिले में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय की २०१५ से ही इस चैनल की कारगुजारियों पर कड़ी नज़र थी. २०१६ में SEBI ने भी टेकओवर नियमों के उल्लंघन के सिलसिले में चैनल को एक नोटिस जारी किया था.

बैंक धोखाधड़ी की जांच सी बी आई ने शुरू कर दी है और यह धोखाधड़ी कितनी बड़ी है, इसका पूरा खुलासा भी जांच पूरी होने के बाद ही पता चलेगा. लेकिन धोखाधड़ी की जांच के नतीजे सिर्फ यह तय कर सकते हैं कि कुल मिलाकर कितनी बड़ी वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी इस चैनल के मालिकों ने अंजाम दी हैं, यह बात तो पहले ही तय हो चुकी है कि वित्तीय गड़बड़ियां हुईं हैं. किसी और देश में अगर इस तरह का वाकया हुआ होता तो अब तक इस चैनल का लाइसेंस वहां की सरकार ने रद्द कर दिया होता. लेकिन हमारे देश में न्याय की प्रक्रिया इतनी सुस्त, ढीली और लचीली है कि सभी अपराधियों को इससे बच निकलने का इतना ज्यादा यकीन रहता है, कि वे रात के दो बजे भी सुप्रीम कोर्ट के बाहर जाकर खड़े हो जाते हैं. सलमान खान और जयललिता के मामले में किस तरह के अदालती फैसले आये थे, उसे देश क़ी जनता देख ही चुकी है.

अब सवाल यह भी उठ रहे हैं कि पिछली सरकारों के समय में इस चैनल पर कार्यवाही क्यों नहीं हुईं और किसी आर्थिक घोटाले और गड़बड़ी के चलते यह चैनल अब तक कैसे चल रहा है? यह सभी जानते हैं कि इस चैनल पर किस तरह की ख़बरें परोसी जाती रही हैं. संघ, भाजपा और राष्ट्रवादी विचारधारा का जमकर विरोध करना ही इस चैनल का मुख्य उद्देश्य रहा है. इस देश में हर किसी को मानों इस बात का लाइसेंस मिला हुआ था कि अगर वह संघ,भाजपा, मोदी और राष्ट्रवाद का जमकर विरोध करेगा तो उसके सात क्या सौ खून भी माफ़ कर दिए जाएंगे और अगर उसके खिलाफ कानून कोई कार्यवाही करेगा तो उसके समर्थक उसे “बदले क़ी कार्यवाही” या फिर “मीडिया की आज़ादी” पर हमला बताकर उसके द्वारा अंजाम दिए गए वित्तीय घोटाले की गंभीरता को कम करने का भरसक प्रयास करेंगे.

पत्रकारिता क़ी आड़ में चल रहे NDTV जैसे गोरखधंधों पर अब मोदी सरकार ने नकेल कसनी शुरू क़ी है तो “अभिव्यक्ति क़ी आज़ादी” और “मीडिया क़ी आज़ादी” का शोर मचाने वालों ने अपना झुनझुना बजाना शुरू कर दिया है. इन लोगों क़ी माने तो “पत्रकारिता और मीडिया क़ी आज़ादी”: क़ी आड़ में सभी तरह क़ी गड़बड़ियां और घोटाले भी जायज हैं. लेकिन इन लोगों का दुर्भाग्य है कि समय इनके साथ नहीं है. जैसी मस्ती और आज़ादी इन्होने पिछली सरकारों के दौर में भोगी थी, वह इनसे छिन चुकी है, इनके चैनल का लाइसेंस कब छिनेगा और कब यह “ख़बरों की दुकान” यकायक बंद हो जाएगी, यह आने वाला समय ही बताएगा.

Has the cold war among Gulf countries just started?

On the wake of Qatar crisis the cold war among the gulf countries almost started and there is very tense situation in the region. Saudi Arabia, UAE , Bahrain and Egypt yesterday announced to cut all diplomatic ties with Qatar and seized borders alleging Qatar playing role in terror funding and promoting Iran’s agenda. This left the whole region in chaos.

This is one of the serious developments within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the block includes Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman. The GCC is formed to encourage cooperation on economy, defense, security and environment. But these ties are now under threat. The Saudi Arabia and UAE asked Qataris to leave their nations within 14 days and issued travel advisory to their citizens not to travel Qatar. On the other hand Egypt also withdrawn its ambassador and shut down all diplomatic ties with the immediate effect. Egypt also blocked it’s water and air space for Qatar saying “With its national security interest”.

Meanwhile Qatar has expressed surprise and shock over this dramatic escalation. The statement issued by the  Qatari foreign ministry reads, “Its deep regret and surprise at the decisions by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain to close their borders and airspace, and sever diplomatic relations with the State of Qatar, bearing in mind that these measures are unjustified and based on false claims and assumptions.” The statement goes on to explain that “The State of Qatar has been subjected to a campaign of lies that have reached the point of complete fabrication. It reveals a hidden plan to undermine the State of Qatar.”

The effect of increased tension in the region marked by rise in oil prices overnight. Oil prices will continue to go up if the situation is not sorted. The diplomatic cut will also potentially complicate fight against ISIS as Qatar has largest US military airbase with 11,000 military personnel.  Major international airlines like Etihad , Emirates, Qatar airways are cancelling flights and with blocked borders grocery stores are running out of basic supplies.

Within less than 24 hours Libya, Yemen and Maldives also joins Saudi led diplomatic cut with Qatar. On the other hand, Turkey is saddened with the unprecedented development in the region. “We are saddened by the development of the situation. Of course there may be problems and disagreements between countries, but dialogue must continue under any conditions”, Turkish foreign minster said in a statement. Kingdom of Kuwait, a member of GCC called for mediation and emir of Kuwait is set to meet King Salman of Saudi Arabia today. Hope he archives some breakthrough and unite GCC countries otherwise the region will boil again like it did in 1967.

NDTV sends investigative journalists to raid CBI as a tit-for-tat


New Delhi. NDTV has today sent investigative journalists to raid CBI as a tit-for-tat. The journalists’ team will disguise themselves as reporters from other TV channels; it is learnt by My Voice.

“It is shocking that the CBI conducted searches on the NDTV offices and residence of the promoters without even conducting a preliminary enquiry. This is a blatant political attack on the freedom of the press. No matter how much the politicians attack us – We will not give up the fight for freedom and the independence of media in India. We are sending our best investigative journalists to raid CBI as a tit-for-tat”, a statement from NDTV read.

“Unlike CBI, our journalists have conducted a preliminary study and an internal enquiry. Our investigation will expose the motives of CBI. Also, unlike CBI raids in the recent past in various incidents, we are confident that we will expose the ill-informed materials with ill-intent. The details about the CBI raid on NDTV will take months before it reaches a common man. On the other hand, our raids will be a live telecast. Any average-to-good looking CBI officer is welcome to become a whistle-blower against the agency”, a NDTV spokesperson told My Voice.

“War within media houses is something that we are used to for several years. War against a media house is always risky for any organisation, governmental or private or even investigative! We are very curious to know which raid will be more effective: CBI on NDTV or NDTV on CBI. One thing is for sure: NDTV raids on CBI will get more media coverage on a daily basis. Who will win at the end is something we are all very curious to know!”, an independent and neutral media person told My Voice.

Meanwhile, another media house, which specialises on exposes, is yet to decide on which raids it would like to debate non-stop: NDTV on CBI or CBI on NDTV, it is learnt by My Voice.

NDTV might or might not be innocent, but Journalism is pivotal for a democracy


In light of the recent CBI raid which took place at NDTV Co-Founder Prannoy Roy’s residence, there seems be a solidarity among the people of India and the media against the government. The raid is being perceived as an obstruction to the freedom of speech and a deliberate attempt by the government to clamp down mainstream media. As a MA Journalism student, I feel quite confident of entering the profession when seeing such unity between the readers/viewers and the media.

But where there is one opinion like the above, there seems to an opposition which is brewing which does not surprise me. I read an article on OpIndia, written by Sujoy (saw the name on Twitter and thought this would be better than using ‘chaiwallah’) titled “It’s not CBI raids on NDTV but the arrogance of media that threatens democracy”, where he states that the NDTV is just like any other company in India and they should not be given any special status when it comes to the CBI raids.

NDTV, after the raids were conducted, published their statement where they termed the action as a “witch-hunt” and an attempt to undermine democracy. After that they also published an updated statement where they showed documents which supposedly proves that Prannoy Roy and his wife are not innocent. When I read the news for the first time, I was quite taken aback. In truth, even after seeing the updated statement from NDTV I do not know whether Roy is innocent or not. I will wait for further turn of events to judge that.

I agree with the author, that if Roy is indeed guilty of doing something wrong then he or the company, whosoever is guilty, should be tried and punished in the same manner as others. Just because it is a media house, they should not get exemption in any form.

But, what I do disagree with and respectfully so, is the attack on the profession of journalism and his opinion on what it takes to be a journalist. Understand that I am not calling the author out or this is some kind of revenge post. I think he is entitled to his opinion and I am to mine and thus I am writing this.

I respect each and every profession. Be it a doctor, teacher, army and even the janitor. I think every kind of profession are like pieces of a puzzle, a puzzle which in this case is the society we live in; a democratic society. If one of them stops functioning then the whole system destabilises.

What I did not like in the article was when the profession of a journalist was compared to that of a doctor and a teacher. It was further deduced that being a teacher or a doctor is far more important than being a journalist in today’s world. I would like to mention here, has the author looked towards Turkey, where journalists are being jailed and even put in solitary confinement under by the Erdogan government? If not Turkey, then the current US regime under Donald Trump who are constantly trying to debase and shut down journalists and correspondents from the White House. It is reported that more than 100 journalists were killed in 2016.

Now the question is, if according to the article, journalism is not as important as the professions mentioned, then why are journalists facing an existential crisis in different parts of the world? Forget about being threatened on a daily basis due to their investigations, they are in fear of being killed or jailed and that too for questioning the ones who need to be held responsible for their actions.

The article states that journalism is all about “connections”. I am working on my final project for my Masters where I have to publish an original story. I have been working on my story for over a month now, and apart from trying to find relevant people and taking interviews (which one might mildly call ‘connections’!), a lot of thought, toil and perseverance goes into putting the correct (legally correct in many cases!) words on the paper. It might just look like a 800 word article, but there is intense research and investigations involved behind each and every word.

I know that due to the rise of “fake news”, many have become even more sceptical of the mainstream media. But, to take one case like this and then giving a generalised and negative view on the whole profession does not serve the purpose. At times like these when definitions of nationalism, patriotism and secularism are going through a radical shift and dissent is being classed as “anti-national”, the need for brave and unbiased journalism can’t and should not be undermined.

This is how Libtard friends of NDTV are portraying CBI raids as an attack on media

This morning, ANI reported that the CBI has filed a case against Radhika Roy, Prannoy Roy, and their company-RRPR Holding. Officials conducted searches at their properties in Dehradun and Delhi. The story published by Outlook India pointed out that raids were linked to a bank fraud involving ICICI bank as the victim.

As the news about raids started spreading, left-leaning media houses started publishing articles to portray these raids as an attack on journalists.

Hard won reputation and trust?

NDTV is already under ED’s radar for alleged FEMA provisions violations since 2015. The newsgroup had also received Sebi’s notice in June 2016 for violation of takeover norms. Plus, we all know how one of their former journalists was involved in lobbying. Her voice can be clearly heard in 2G scam tapes.  If it would have been any other country, govt would have had immediately canceled their operational license. Let’s not discuss their misreporting adventures here because even 10,000 words article won’t be enough for that.

Is this an attempt to undermine democracy and free speech? Definitely not, in fact, these raids should be termed as something too little and too late after looking at what the group has been doing.

“If financial irregularities to the extent of over Rs 3000 crores are found to be true, it should result in automatic suspension of all broadcast licenses. In other such cases (where the sums involved are but a fraction of this amount) the first action is arrest and custodial interrogation.Dr. Roy’s stature has ensured that he is being given the benefit of the doubt,” said a senior journalist, who does not wish to be named. 

Here are some tweets in response to libtards’ allegations.

Indian Diplomacy- Dynamic Shift


Narendra Modi has just concluded his 6 days visit to 4 countries, Russia, Germany, Spain and France. But what does the trip signifies? Narendra Modi has made India’s foreign policy very dynamic and proactive. He launched his counter-offense in SPIEF without naming Trump or USA. Here is the summary of key discussions and incident related to visit of 4 countries:

Germany– Cooperation in Renewable energy, Smart Cities, intelligence sharing, counter terrorism. Though there is little progress on FTA, Defense Co-operation with Germany.

As the rise of Nationalism in USA under the leadership of Trump moving towards isolation of US whether its Paris Agreement pull back & restrictions on Visas, Trans-Pacific relationship with EU, it has created space for other countries to fill in the gap like China & India. Before Narendra Modi arrival in Berlin, an interesting event took place where German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized Trump & implied that they cannot trust their foreign partner hitting out at US hostility towards Europe. Though its election year in Germany, but looking at the results of local elections it is safe to say Angela will return to power again. Even though this year G-20 summit is to be held Germany, instead of meeting on the sidelines of G-20 they decided to meet at earlier occasion.

Next stop- Spain- Focus on Economic ties

It was first Indian prime ministerial visit to Spain in nearly 30 years, last Prime minister visited Spain was Rajiv Gandhi in late 80s. India is working closely with Spain in areas like Railway, Smart cities, etc. Indian Railway is trying to upgrade its stagnant infrastructure with the help from Spanish giant TALCO to introduce high speed trains in India. The main objective behind PM visit was to improve economic and cultural relations with the European nation.

Russia- Focus on re-enforcement of ties with Russia

India has historical ties with Russia, this year India & Russia marked its 70 years old diplomatic relations. After Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, India shifted its Foreign policy focusing US while ignoring Russia or better phrased “Being inactive” on Russian front Even some defense analysts implied that India has allied with US & left Russia as its key partner. Under the American influence India’s ties with China further plumbed. Putin praised Narendra Modi & India many times in the dialogue.

This week was a golden opportunity for India to restore its relationship with Russia and China, Narendra Modi took it with open arms. Firstly India refused to take part in naval exercise with Australia, so that it does not deteriorate its ties with China further anymore.

Trump criticized India for taking Billions and Billions and Billions in form of aid from US & shifting onus on India and China. Trump needed some reason to justify his idiotic rant and India, which was pushed to sign agreement by Obama, was the victim. Narendra Modi pulled no punches and launched a counter attack at St Petersburg International Economic Forum in St Petersburg, Russia where whole world was viewing the event moderated by American journalist Megyn Kelly, Narendra Modi without naming America or Trump hit back & pulled no punches. He said, “Paris or No Paris, can’t snatch from our kids their right for clean earth” gave example of Vedic India and importance of mother earth. He took a soft stance on China & India’s border disputes and said, “Not 1 bullet has been fired at border for past 40 years”.

India not only took high moral grounds vis-à-vis USA, but also took decision which is economically beneficial for India. Solar Power is getting cheaper, even India received a bid of Rs. 2.97 for the world’s largest solar plant. Solar is getting cheaper as against Coal. Implying, India not only took high moral ground, but also it is economically and environmentally beneficial in long run.  Trump is not good for India, he has put restrictions on H-1B visa for India’s IT professional & is against Globalism. Now there is fear among experts that Trump, to satisfy his domestic voter have compromised relations with not only India but also Europe.

Final Stop- France- Counter-terrorism, cooperation on climate change.

The France and India both are victims of terrorism and the two nations have been working together for a very long time, bilaterally and multilaterally. Emmanuel Macron criticized US for its withdrawal from Paris Agreement.  French President has keen interest in the Environment protection & to reduce the increasing temperature by 2 degrees. India’s sticking to Paris Accord might make France to invest more in India’s energy sector. Both leaders hold discussion on International Solar Alliance, a joint initiative by France & India. Narendra Modi invited French President to visit India, to which the President has accepted and will visit New Delhi at the end of the year.

To Sum up: Narendra Modi has taken advantage of the Trump’s Anti-Globalism policies, hit out at Trump for his rant on Russian soil to make India stand not only at high moral grounds but also to satisfy Putin & to maintain balance between Russia & US. India needs FDI, with Trump is power, US is not much of a help to India. Trump has derailed the years of bilateral ties formed after hard work in mere seconds.

India under US pressure has been critical of China; India will take soft stance on India’s policy towards China. Under the current leadership of Trump, USA is not a reliable strategic partner of India, but can be a business partner only. New Delhi might revisit the stance towards OBOR and might remain inactive in South China Sea.

The timing of the trip is very interesting from the perspective of World politics. The trip has significant importance from NSG, permanent seat at UN to Trade relation, FDI in India to much discussed issues like Paris Agreement, Counter-Terrorism. India has opened up its foreign policy in such a way that it is no longer dependent on any single partner unlike 90s.

Absurd rebuttal: Indian Express has eggs on face


Indian Express today wrote a bottom spread on its front page which mocked a (now retired) judge in its headline and went on to term his recent claims on medicinal benefits of cow as “vague and outlandish.”

The headline “A little fact-check of Honourable Judge’s cow order in Rajasthan” was full of sneer and contempt. It’s as close to abusive as it gets. It’s like a reader telling the Indian Express editor: “So Mr Editor, how much monthly bill you save by using your distinguished newspaper in place of a toilet roll?” If my quip stinks, it’s meant to drive home the point.

The entire 945-words wordathon is meant to counter Justice (retd) Mahesh Chandra Sharma of Rajasthan High Court who, while declaring his wish that cow be made the national animal on Thursday, quoted several sources, mostly foreign, to highlight the animal’s medicinal benefits.

The reporter set about dismantling the judge.  From rattail combs to chisel and hammer, the writer used every weapon at his command to deliver a thousand cuts. It was akin to how a deranged psychopath chops off every limb, bone, muscle, sinews of a hated victim, plucking the eyes from the socket; gulping down the bursting blood in both hands. The violence in the pen of the reporter, and that of the newspaper, is unmistakable.

Sadly, this hatred and venom isn’t backed by the report itself. Let me take readers through the Indian Express rebuttal point by point; and challenge the newspaper to either prove me wrong or make a public apology (don’t worry, both things won’t happen. For mainstream media in this country are supreme artistes of hit-and-run stories).

CLAIM 1:  German scientist Rudie Steiner: “Cow uses its horns to acquire cosmic energy.”

Indian Express rebuttal: It’s not Rudie Steiner but Rudolf Steiner. (Phew!)

CLAIM 2Cornell University’s Ronald Goreite: “Cow milk boosts memory and the MDGI protein prevents cancer from entering blood cells.”

Indian Express rebuttal: It’s Ronald C. Gorewit. The MDGI (mammary-derived growth inhibitor) thing is inconclusive. (Bravo!)

CLAIM 3Dr Vijayaakshmi of the Centre for Indian Knowledge System: “Women’s milk is getting poisonous everyday from using chemical fertilizers instead of cow dung.”

Indian Express rebuttal: Dr. Vijayalakhsmi was travelling (so couldn’t be contacted).

CLAIM 4:  Mumbai’s Dr. Kanti Sen Saraf: “Spraying cow dung on urban waste removes all foul smell and converts waste to fetilisers.”

Indian Express rebuttal: Dr. Saraf’s work has been backed by some studies. (Would you believe it! It’s like “you are right but you said you were right.”)

By now, the reporter has unlocked his kalashnikov and is spraying bullets everywhere. He now claims the Judge was outlandish in his report on several counts. He quotes a little-known scientist who in turn claims the references the Judge has made are not in the mainstream academic space.” (Does this irony makes sense to you? It didn’t to me).

The reporter then quotes the Judge’s stance as ‘deliberately misleading’ as said by a few of his sources who refused to go on record! (Could it really get more absurd?)

CLAIM 5:  Famous Russian scientist Shirovich: Houses plastered with cow dung are safe from radio waves.Using 10gms of cow ghee for yajna generates a tonne of oxygen.”

Indian Express rebuttal: The only famous scientist with a similar sounding name is Lawrence Sirovich. Further, how can people talk on cellphones and watch TV in a room plastered with cow dung?

CLAIM 6Agriculture scientists Dr. Julius and Dr. Book German: “Cow is the only animal that exhales oxygen.”

Indian Express rebuttal: Animals exhale the unused part of oxygen (and by inference, not cows alone).

CLAIM 7Dr. King, famous scientist of Madras: “Cow dung can destroy cholera germs.”

Indian Express rebuttal: Websites such as Surabhi Goshalas of Andhra Pradesh cite Dr. King’s work but it attributes it to cow milk and not dung.

CLAIM 8:  Britain’s Dr. Hamilton: “Cow urine cures heart disease.”

Indian Express rebuttal: An unspecific and unverifiable claim found on websites.

So what’s the fuss about? What’s vague and outlandish about the Judge’s claims? I couldn’t spot one in Express rebuttal. Typically, the newspaper believes most readers only read headlines and wouldn’t bother to look at the text. But such is their compulsion they are prepared to lose the shirt and hit at the present dispensation.

The Express rebuttal had no valid criticism, none so whatsoever. It takes some ingenuity to write 1000 words on nothing. Express, sadly, does it every day, deriding the majority of this country, and of course the Modi government.

An Indian newspaper treats its own country’s magnificent heritage as a piece of garbage which makes one wonder with whom its’ loyalty rests. Or at whose behest it abandons every single norm of honest journalism. Such venom and hostility would persist every single day for the next two year. But it would be with a caveat. The newspaper should be mindful they are being watched closely. Very closely.  Eggs on the face would be routine too.

Let’s celebrate the ‘Bleeding’ women


It’s that time of the month.”, “I am going through girl’s problem.

How often do we hear that? A lot, I bet. Periods, as I mention the word, I imagine a lot of cringes and disgust expressions on reader’s faces. So, let’s say it again and more aloud, PERIODS. If you are still unable to say it aloud, please read on.

It’s really strange that people in today’s world consider menstruation as disgusting and gross. It’s no hidden fact that it is referred as Women’s “secret” business, and men need not poke their nose in this matter. This is one of the basic forms of patriarchy, which is widely accepted all over the world. The fact that even the girl’s term it as “GIRLS PROBLEM” is in no way helping their cause. It is in no way a problem, it is a simple biological process. Period. It’s just the regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the inner lining of uterus through the vagina. It’s as normal as urinating. And if you can’t fathom over this fact, you need help instead of bleeding women.

What makes MENSTRUATION a taboo?

Almost every religion has their share of misogyny when it comes to menstruation. The bleeding women is considered “impure”. The irony here is, that menstruation in itself is a cleaning process.Women during their periods are not allowed to pray, or visit any holy place. Hypocrisy smiles, when we worship bleeding goddess in temples, and yet not allow bleeding women to enter the same temple. Even in Christianity, that covers most of the west, consider bleeding women as potentially sinful. Talk about liberal outlook.

Men, boys and even women themselves are not open to talk about it openly and freely. Men feel disgusted and gross and women simply awkward and embarrassed. We need to collectively understand that the only unnatural thing about menstruation is the taboo and certain patriarchal behaviour attached to it. For example, women are not allowed to touch pickles during menstruation. Seriously!Doesn’t it sound senseless to you when we program a little girl who just had her first period, into feeling guilty, humiliated and plethora of such thoughts? Shouldn’t we instead celebrate her first step into womanhood? Shouldn’t we celebrate the fact that she is now bestowed with powers to bear another human life? What is so shameful about it? I have and always, will fail to understand.

The change in the mind-set will not come unless we open up as a society. Unless, we stop calling bleeding women “impure”. Unless, we stop packing sanitary napkins in newspapers and then re-wrapping it in black polybag. Unless, we stop making women feel left-out. Unless, we stop making women feel like they are taking “Walk of shame”, when they buy sanitary pads from stores.

Culturally, we have held our women in high-esteem. Let’s not demean them now by making this absurd practice pass off as “tradition”. Let’s speak out about it aloud and not “whisper” about it. Let’s celebrate the Womanhood. Let’s celebrate the bleeding women. Because more than anything they deserve it and it’s long overdue.


Does Twitter really care about soldiers?


Hello everyone,
This is my first attempt to write on Opindia. And that too because I thought someone might, but no one did. It’s weekend, and what could be a better way to enjoy weekend than an India vs Pakistan cricket match. Lots of cheering, emotions and drama. Aren’t you excited enough to cut this night out of system to begin match?

Well I am not, and trust me no one from families of martyrs or no one from families of people who suffered terrorists Jihad are. I know, cricket is entertainment and sport, but can entertainment go hand in hand with terrorists? Our players shaking hands with Pakistanis while same nation is celebrating brutal killing of our soldiers? I remember how twitter came together at time of release of “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” but then cricket is different. Is it in real? Today, when India plays against Pakistan, all I can think about is how easy it is for most of us to forget our Army. Yes, most of you did.

This is just not about cricket. And sportsmen spirit is for players, not terrorists.

Jai Hind.