
You’re a bully, Mr. Putin

Hindus don't hate Muslims as I said, they hate the ideologies which harm them, to assure peace, communities have to come together and talk,…

Towards a sustainable peace in eastern Europe

Despite Russian denials, it was becoming increasingly obvious what Russia really wanted as its troops surged because Russia had invaded Ukraine in 2014 and…

Master Kong and Ramanuja can cut a Ticket to Xi Dada’s return to normalcy

What options does India really have against belligerent China? Can India afford to spend billions of dollars on war footing to enhance its defense…

In the wonderlands of ‘pseudos’, When ‘Rizvi’ goes for the toss: Part-2

The religious institutes spewing venom and hatred towards Hinduism creating religious disharmony across the religions and sects.

Beyond meds: Mind and body, psychic run

One thing Sushi's death has taught is that, it is as important to maintain the mental health as you care for your physical health.

युद्ध और शांति

हमारा इतिहास हमें यही सीखता है कि शांति ही परम आनन्द है, शांति ही परम विजय है, शांति ही परम धर्म है। अशांत व्यक्ति…

The apathy of being “secular”

The phrase,” sovereign democratic republic" from our preamble was changed to,” sovereign, socialist secular democratic republic”.

Listen to us as well

It is, Jammu which has freed herself from the shackles of Kashmiri hegemony and is now free to chart it's own developmental agenda in…

Pakistan’s way to war, peace, and diplomacy

Pakistan’s purpose of war is not to secure itself, but to prove it has the ability to hurt India.


Peace begins from within.