mental health

Certain traumas are beyond our imagination: Islamic practice of female genital mutilation is one of them!

In 2016, Dr Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin came out in support of continuing Female Genital Mutilation within his community and upheld the practice as something…

Depression: A curse for society

It is normal to be sad and upset with various events of life however if the feeling of hopelessness is on regular basis, then…

Unraveling the “I am here for you”

“If suicide ever crosses your mind just know, I’d rather listen to your story than attend your funeral”, this tweet made me realize that…

Humanitarian hand of Help

Our forefathers and constitution-makers were aware of the discriminatory approach adopted by the residents towards the migrants. That is why they explicitly mentioned that…

Colloquial use of mental health terms and why it needs to be stopped

How using words like depression, OCD and anxiety loosely are a bigger problem than you think

खोखलापन सतह पर

दुःख से बड़ा दुःख का प्रस्तुतीकरण बनता जा रहा है. दुःख से परे उसके प्रस्तुतीकरण पर संवेदनाओं और आंसुओं की बाढ़ जो आ गयी…

Being human to humanity

As we are stuck in home, treat this as blessings in disguise to discover ourselves and teach our kids about it so they start…