media lies

The gruesome triple murder of police personnel in Kashmir and this “threesome” is responsible

They're weakening our national integrity by backstabbing our arm forces and govt.

Retired officer’s outrageous lie that Army wasted 1 day at Ahmedabad’s airfields on 1 March 2002 and other lies nailed

There is huge evidence to show PM Modi took all steps to prevent & control riots which were also not one-sided

Really NDTV is this news?

It is necessary to remind Nidhi Razdan about history of NDTV's making news of nothing, sympatise with terrorist  and hide facts to spread propaganda.

DNA, other media outlets lied that ‘an RSS founder claimed Jesus Christ was a Tamil Hindu’

This is how presstitutes of the mainstream media spread not only political but also outrageous religious lies to serve their agenda.

मोदी जी, ऑपोसिशन के प्रोपगेंडे की मंडी और हम

2014 के पहले हमारे जन-नायक को कट्टर हिन्दू, मास-मर्डरर और न जाने क्या बनाया गया. अभी राहुल गांधी खुद एक हिन्दू प्रोडक्ट बन के…

Indian Express is knowingly misleading its readers with impunity

Rahul has company: Indian Express is the new liar

Kerala Floods: What tactics media used to amplify rainfall stats in Kerala

Were the floods in Kerala misrepresented by MSM only to fetch fundings?

NDTV’s spin to recent NRC issue

NDTV just a Fakenews factory or inciter of a Civil war?

Exposing the survey-scam of Thomson Reuters making India most dangerous nation for women

As the election time approaches, such biased and fake surveys would be out periodically.

You can’t keep snakes in your backyard and expect them to only bite your neighbours

Can there be an antidote for such venomous journalism?