Liberals against Narendra Modi

The cost of #SayNoToWar- A message to India’s “peacekeepers”

India has lost more soldiers in "peace" time than in actual war and our soldiers were not trained to stand by and watch your…

उदारवादियों को क्यों खटकती है स्टेचू ऑफ़ यूनिटी?

नेहरू गाँधी खानदान की महानता की जो गाथाए जो बड़ी मेहनत से बनायीं गयी हैं, और जनता के सामने एक छवि प्रस्तुत की गयी हैं,…

The Wire – Your article on ‘Uri’ Movie is SICK and it’s time for us to retaliate

We retaliated. And we're proud of our Army's nationalism and that's our nationalism too.

From Raj to Swaraj to Suraaj

Why Modi is unacceptable to liberal lobby is because he is putting all the efforts to gift us our Swaraj by his Suraaj while…

मोदी जी, ऑपोसिशन के प्रोपगेंडे की मंडी और हम

2014 के पहले हमारे जन-नायक को कट्टर हिन्दू, मास-मर्डरर और न जाने क्या बनाया गया. अभी राहुल गांधी खुद एक हिन्दू प्रोडक्ट बन के…

Undeclared emergency | A liberal culture

In the coming days, the conservative right should be aware of the actual undeclared emergency on them that the monstrous North Korean Darbaaris are…

Naxals in Bollywood and their problems with Narendra Modi

Be watchful! You may get rejected in Bollywood if you support Narendra Modi.

Antics of Prashant Bhushan and Arundhati Roy, defamatory lies and support to criminals

Earlier 2002 culprits and now Naxalites: Prashant Bhushan's job remains anti-national.

A response to The Print’s article attacking Kangana Ranaut

Recently, an article was published in ThePrint titled, "Kangana Ranaut’s Modi comment shows she is a feminist, but only for herself" by a poet Harnidh…