Leftist narrative

Why we should debate on Hindu scripture

It’s very easy to make false statements by twisting the facts but its indeed a very difficult thing to digest the truth about one’s…

Left wing exposed: Using basic economics [Chapter 1]

Self proclaimed leftist 'scholars' always try to shame us into thinking that we are inferior to them. Shaming us and our beliefs is considered…

Narrative has changed, will the ground reality change too?

Hindutva forces had been ignored for over a century; we have entered the 2nd phase of fighting now, wherein you see constant battles being…

The last days of a moribund ideology

India has never been a fertile ground for the political experiments for Communists and Indian political, social, and economic conditions could have never been…

Hypocrites hiding behind masks of liberalism

Leave alone liberalism, this is not even responsible opposition. It's better to be called a "non-liberal" when unlike you, I'm tolerant enough to co-exist…

Why Pradeep Chhibber is wrong on all counts

What Chhibber says is my vigilantism is good but yours is bad.

Right to protest of few privileged ones vs. Rights of the unorganized masses

Are the demands made by protesting groups are justified or not? Who are participating in the protest? Are they really farmers? Who are the…

वामपंथ का विषैला रक्त-चरित्र और उसकी विसंगतियाँ

वामपंथी शासन वाले देशों में न्यूनतम लोकतांत्रिक अधिकार भी जनसामान्य को नहीं दिए गए, परंतु दूसरे देशों में इनके पिछलग्गू लोकतांत्रिक मूल्यों की दुहाई…

Socialism- Why it grows more in appeal the more it fails: An op ed

You wanna know why the left's lies sell more than the right's rights? The answer is not as convoluted as you think.

सर्वहारा और मोदी

हे वामपंथी लम्पटों! अपने एलीटिज़म से बाहर निकलों, ज़मीनी हक़ीक़त को समझों और काम की बात करों। वर्ना सर्वहारा तो तुम्हारा मार्क्सवादी यूटोपिया कब…