
Recognizing foreign expressions

We have achieved the political freedom, but that of mind is far from today. We are still living in the same colonial era, where…

Irony dies a painful death everytime you flunk in your mother tongue

Slogging to learn a second language when you are miserably poor at your first one, is not a good idea.

The defining power

The death of Ajay Pandita, Lt Umar Fayaz and many more are essential chapters of history, don't let Thapars write it for you.

उर्दू गालियों की विकृत संस्कृति का बोझ ढोती हिन्दी

जिन्हे हम ‘हिन्दी गाली’ कहते हैं, जितने भी फूहड़ और यौन-कुंठा के शब्द हिन्दी गालियों के रूप में बताए जाते हैं। अगर उनके उद्भव…