Kashmir terrorism

कश्मीर में फिर से आतंक, डर से पलायन शुरु, सरकार का आतंकी क्लीन अभियान शुरु

केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री अमित शाह की NSA अजीत डोभाल के साथ हुई बैठक के बाद आईबी के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी को श्रीनगर भेजा गया…

Indoctrination and the families of Jihadists in Kashmir

Nowadays, Islamic Militants are the new role models for the unemployed youth in Kashmir who are being made to believe that Muslims across the…

India, promise you’ll never forget Ajay Pandita (Bharti)

A family which didn’t succumb to the communal atrocities in the nineties, a family that showed umpteen amount of courage as an Indian and…

अगर आतंकवाद का कोई धर्म नहीं होता तो आतंकवादी का शब इस्लामिक रिवाज़ से दफ़नाने के लिए उसके परिवार को सौंपने की ज़रूरत क्यों

समय आ गया हैं, सरकार कानून बनाए की आतंकियों के शव को अब कचरे के ढेर के साथ जला दिया जाएगा। फिर देखते हैं…

Sentiments: Only Kashmir sentiments matter and not rest of India’s?

Even if we agree that Kashmiri sentiments are not being listened to, we must acknowledge that even the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits were not…

Trails of democracy (Kashmir story)

From Kalhan’s Rajatarangini talking about Kings of Kashmir to the last ruling King of Dogra dynasty, Kashmir took a long path to democracy, yet…

Why the US will not stop aiding Pakistan even after Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 elections

Even if Pakistan is given 100% of Kashmir it will not take it. It will only take 95% of it and struggle for the…

The war of civilization : How Pulwama terror attack is a war on Bharat’s civilization

While whole world condemned that incident there were some in India who were preparing to justify it. Those were the 'eminent' pseudo-seculars of India.

The Pulwama massacre is an integral problem of Kashmir Valley

Both Nehru and Indira Gandhi yearned to prove their peace credentials to world nations and left the country into insecurity and flames forever.

Kashmir – Anti-rational not Anti-national problem

Unless India can get the ordinary Kashmiri to act in her own  self-interest (read rationally), this is one hole it will never be able…