Kashmir problem created by Nehru and Indira Gandhi

An open letter to the Iron lady of India

The people of this country may regard to you as the 'Iron Lady of India', but pardon me, I would never. I wonder are…

From the Tashkent Files to now the Kashmir Files, is it time to question the Kashmiri Pandit Nehru “Iron Lady”? Or more aptly the “Ironic Lady”?

Iron Lady, has lost her luster, from scandals, corruption, fear of appearing "authoritarian" and in reality is the "Ironic Lady."

Mr. Farooq Abdullah, being Kashmiri is being Indian, period

A man who says “Kashmir Kya tumhare baap ka Hain”, a man who transforms himself into an advocate for militants who decimate innocents, and…

कांग्रेस का गठन एक षड्यंत्र: भाग -२

ईंदिरा या ईंडिकेट कांग्रेस के लोगो ने मान लिया की अब परिवार की खुशामदगिरी मे ही राजनितिक भविष्य है और इस तरह लोकतंत्र लगभग…

What’s the solution for Kashmir?

Kashmir issue is not something which can be resolved with peace and moreover establishing peace with Islamic countries is near to impossible. That's is…

Referendum in Kashmir: Choice of Pakistan and China

In 1947, when Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the Instrument of Accession, he stated that after the war is over and Jammu and…

शांत कश्मीर और चिदंबरम का 370 वाला तीर

डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह की सरकार के सबसे शक्तिशाली मंत्रियो में से एक चिदंबरम आज वही भाषा बोल रहे है जो पाकिस्तान संयुक्त राष्ट्र तथा…

इमरजेंसी: लोकतंत्र का काला अध्याय

जिस आज़ादी के लिए असंख्य देशभक्तों ने अपना सर्वस्व बलिदान दिया, अमानवीय यातनाएं झेली, उस आज़ादी को इंदिरा गांधी ने पिंजरे में कैद कर…

Right to life vs right to liberties

The entire gamut with plethora of gun totting, media cynics and politico religious self-styled heritors of J&K have only succeeded in creating a sense…

Abrogation of Article 370 – A significant achievement

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru himself during his address to a special delegation (on Kashmir) said that Article 370 of the Constitution will disappear by getting…