Karl Marx

The last days of a moribund ideology

India has never been a fertile ground for the political experiments for Communists and Indian political, social, and economic conditions could have never been…

Why is communism popular among the youth?

The core difference between democracy and communism is that communism can corrupt far more easily than democracy. In democracy, you can see when the…

Will protestors bring down Karl Marx?

In spite of being very racist against native communities, blacks the so called intellectuals of modern day will never condemn these barbaric statements but…

Marx and Management education

While most of his work revolved around the distasteful relationship between employers and employees, his theory somehow fails to connect with the Management Education…

Why do leftists all over the world spread Islamophobia?

Leftists are so engrossed in their ideology and beliefs that they can also be termed as "brainwashed" just like these terrorists, Their propaganda is…

Pulwama and the Left: Seven decades of cultural and intellectual banditry

Here are some compelling reasons, and myths that have been systematically built and fed into almost six generations of Indians since India's year of…