Indian Politics

Can BJP ever win in Tamil Nadu?

Can BJP prosper in Tamil Nadu in the absence of a good Tamil speaking local leader?

Artificial Intelligence in Political Scenarios

How can artificial intelligence technology impact elections in future?

Adopting a new political criterion

Indian political parties: What we have vs. what we need.

Financing clean politics with taxpayers money in India

State funding of elections, party/candidate expense will reduce corruption massively and enable many honest and committed people to enter public service.

न जयप्रकाश आंदोलन कुछ कर पाया न ही अन्ना आंदोलन

क्या हमारे देश के नेताओं और सरकारी विभागों में एक लाल बत्ती ही है जो उन्हें 'अतिविशिष्ठ' होने का दर्जा या एहसास देती है?

मोदी जी ने दिखाया अपना रिपोर्ट कार्ड

इस रपोट कार्ड को देखा जाये तो बीजेपी ने विकास की तरफ देश को ले जा रहे हैं ऐसा दिखता है

The Konspiracy called Kashmiriyat

Political correctness in name of Kashmiriyat of Indian govt so far has ruined Kashmir as an integral part of the country.

The meaning of Modi win for me

Opposition and media must realize that Narendra Modi is not an event in arbitrariness. He is writ firmly on the fate of this nation…

The one who is feeling betrayed

The only thing apart from quitting politics Irom can do now is to leave the people on their own; they are wise enough to…

Panchatantra in modern day Rajya Sabha

In a peaceful jungle, when foxes tried to hijack the peace and brotherhood, a pack of wolves came and saved the jungle. But the…