
To the people of India – It is time to wake up

We are at a moment in history of this nation when we need to shake ourselves up from accepting mediocrity

EU GDPR like framework can answer all data protection & privacy woes

With the advent of recent privacy breach by Cambridge Anaylatica which led to misuse of many Facebook users' data either by tricking them to…

It is Hindutva that makes an individual treat you as equal

India has been and will always follow Hindutva, because that’s its essence.

Lessons China should learn from Doklam stand-off

India will no longer be intimidated by China, and many more lessons.

How Modi Government increased its share in global cell phone manufacturing

Annual production of mobile phones in India increased from 3 million units in 2014 to 11 million units in 2017

The Rashtriya in our Rifles

A note on Rashtriya Rifles and counter terrorism units of our Army.

बंगाल: रक्त-नदी, नरसंहार और मीडिया का झूठ

बंगाल के बारे में कुछ सच्चाई ऐसी हैं जिनके बारे में राज्य के बाहर के लोगों को जानना आवश्यक है।

Andrabi’s anti-India, pro-Pakistan rant- why this silence?

Why is the liberal cabaal silent

Why being a Hindu is an integral part while being an Indian

What is my idea of India? Can I negate the fact that it is my religion that identifies me as an Indian? A curious…