Hindus’ hopes from Modi

Unexpected nightmare for opposition parties- A windfall advantage for BJP

Unexpected nightmare for opposition parties- A windfall advantage for BJP- The “Sengol” and The “Chola Dynasty” Conversations

The demon of anti-heathen hate reincarnates

The Leicester event of the past week, mirroring what has been happening across the Indian continent nearly every month, goes on to show how…

First among a billion equals– the Rise of Narendra Modi and the resurrection of the Hindu civilization

Modi is in a sense a creature of the circumstance or rather an idea whose time had come. The humble vernacular leader who is…

वो पीढियों से चली आ रही मांगे पूरी कर रहे, हमें उनका साथ नहीं छोड़ना

ज़रा सोचिए जिन लोगों ने हम सनातन धर्मियों को इतना सब कुछ दिया तो क्या हम उनको अपने राष्ट्रहित में वोट नहीं दे सकते।…

The political ‘Vanvas’ of Hindutva is finally over: The Hindu politics has finally risen and is here to stay

For decades starting from Nehru to Manmohan Singh, Congress has always been hesitant to embrace, accept and acknowledge the 'Sanatan heritage' of India. For…

The call for Hindu unity across the globe

The Hindus should unite and some knowledgeable Hindus should share their vision of Hindu Unity and how every Hindu should protect their culture and…

आखिर उस “चायवाले” के व्यक्तित्व में ऐसा क्या विशेष है?

गुजरात की धरती से एक सूर्य (उस "चायवाले") का उदय हुआ और देखते ही देखते अपने "गुजरात मॉडल" वाले राजधर्म से सम्पूर्ण सनातनधर्मियों के…

It is my right to address my nation legally as Bharat

Wouldn't it sound absurd and disrespectful to you if you're not addressed by the name given to you by your parents (ancestors) but by…

नरेंद्र दामोदर दास मोदी व बहुसंख्यक

नागरिकों का मोदी जी में दृढ़ विश्वास 2019 में प्रचण्ड बहुमत के रूप में मिला। पर क्या ये प्रचण्ड बहुमत केवल विकास कार्यों, सुख…

Let’s talk #Core

It can just not be ignored by the BJP that after singing 'vikaas, vikaas aur sirf vikaas' tune for 4.5 years, Modi and BJP…