Hinduism culture

The choices we have: Roots in our civilization

The choices are also not in a simple fashion. They percolate down as in the form of a pyramid. The person with more consciousness…

Vadakalai vs Thenkalai- Time to bell the cat & the monkey- Part-II

While both the Vadagalais and Thengalais share a common religious origin and faith and also adhere to their own school of thought, neither of…

Day in the life of a Sanatani: “Khush Raho”

This is why I, for once and forever, choose to surrender to the sagacity of our saints for they were the ones who knew…

Understanding Anti-Brahmanism to defeat it

the government needs to ensure safety and protection of those Brahmins living under the threat of cultural genocide.

Why being a Hindu is an integral part while being an Indian

What is my idea of India? Can I negate the fact that it is my religion that identifies me as an Indian? A curious…