Hatred towards Hinduism

सनातनियों के हेतु संदेश

कभी कभी औवेसी जैसे लोग भी आपको भविष्य की घटनाओं के इशारे दे जाते है, लेकिन आप अपनी सहनशीलता और तथाकथित शान्तिवादियों (जेहादियों के…

First among a billion equals– the Rise of Narendra Modi and the resurrection of the Hindu civilization

Modi is in a sense a creature of the circumstance or rather an idea whose time had come. The humble vernacular leader who is…

It’s time left-liberals and feminists stopped supporting Islamists

Its indeed difficult to make out what common ground the three groups (Islamists, liberals and feminists) who advocate for one another hold. Their core…

धर्मनिरपेक्षता की लक्ष्मण रेखा

धर्मनिरपेक्षता और तुष्टीकरण पर्यायार्थी शब्द नही है।

From India to Bharat- Brand Bharat is becoming a reality

India has seen differences on religion or ethnicity both from majorities and minorities side, which occurred, in every era of it’s history. Still it…

The clueless Congress- tries to define Hindutva and Hinduism

The Congress Party cannot compete with present BJP, a well-oiled, 24/7 vigilant party, with its part-time politicians that go on holidays and sabbaticals whimsically.…

धर्म नाशक धर्मनिरपेक्षता हिंदुओं के अंत के लिए

जिस देश में धर्म का ही शासन है जिस देश की संस्कृति में धर्म को ही संसार का शासक बताया गया है उसी देश…

Faith & patience: Our strongest weapons to win this civilisational war

It is a battle between unequals, but history has shown that size, strength etc, are not at all guarantees for a victory & more…

Is Yoga a mere physical exercise and is not part of Hinduism?

Let us examine the claims that are made by the so-called ‘intellectuals’ to detach Hinduism from Yoga.

Will the Sanatan Adarsha resurface now?

The root of Sanatan Adarsha is harmony and that there should be no rancour and hatred among different castes, classes and races.