glorification of Islamic Rulers

The realty of ‘Mughalia Saltanat’

Besides constructing magnificent forts, burial tombs and tens of thousands of Mosques, Mughals did nothing for the people.

The faceless and dangerous ‘deep state’

As per 'BBC Hindi', pre-Diwali house-cleaning is a Brahminical patriarchal torture on Hindu women. And the latest one is Congress leader Shivraj Patil's statement…

Why many Indian Hindus are openly anti-Hindu

Hindu kids in India, barring a few exceptions, grow up without any such indoctrination. Religion remains as an unimportant appendage in their growing age.…

वाम-इस्लाम बुद्धिजीवियों की निंजा तकनीकी से पैदा हुए दानवीर हबीब मियां?

भोपाल के नवाब हबीबुल्लाह खान उर्फ हबीब मियां! दावा है कि हबीब मियां ने हबीबगंज रेलवे स्टेशन के लिए अपनी जमीन दान में दी…