Gandhi Dynasty

Here’s why Modi is right in asking why no one has adopted the surname ‘Nehru’

Nehru Ji’s legacy was not great and Gandhi surname had political dividends for Indira ji and her successors. That is why the Nehru lineage…

Fight against corruption and political martyrdom

People want a government in New Delhi who has a ‘clean image’ and ‘strong leadership/governance skills’, and subsequently the same be simulated in state…

From Satayagraha Gandhi’s non-violent protests to Satyayuga: Time to thank Mahatma Gandhi and create the new leaders of tomorrow

A political family is misusing his "Satyagraha". Orchestrated riots, media amplification! Time for virtual protests. A guide for tomorrow's leaders.

कांग्रेस ने कभी भी देश को स्वत्रंत कराने का प्रयास नहीं किया: प्रथम भाग

कांग्रेस का चरित्र कल भी वही था और आज भी वही है। कांग्रेस के आंदोलनों का सच द्रितीय भाग में आप के समक्ष प्रस्तुत…

Why Gandhi is loved by some and hated by most of the people in India

Mahatma Gandhi is the most controversial figure of modern time with two polarized set of belief. Find out how and why.

GE-2024: Dynasties Vs Modi

Except the Bharatiya Janata Party, there is no political party in India which does not have dynasty politics at top level.

असली गांधी और नकली गांधी का आंतरिक लोकतंत्र

वर्तमान की भाजपा के संगठन को देखे तो यह अतीत की कांग्रेस वाले लोकतंत्र को अपनाये हुए प्रत्येक कार्यकर्ता का सम्मान करती है, इसी…

Why all the ‘King’s men could not put some sense in Rahul Gandhi

All the king’s men not only could not put humpty dumpty together again but also could not put some sense in dynast- Rahul Gandhi.

Shastra Pooja by our defence minister for Rafale versus Pariwar Pooja by sycophants of Congress

The big question before Indians is that should we need such congress party in India that mocks, giggle and snigger at Hinduism by allowing…

Rahul Gandhi today is the Hitler from April 1945

Mr. Rahul Gandhi, care to know that this is a vote, a vote for hope, a vote that rejects the status quo ante of…