coronavirus outbreak

Ranchod’s “Ranneeti”: Strategy in times of Covid-19

This article takes an eagle-eye view of the lockdown’s strategy from the "Leela’s" of Lord Krishna.

“कोरोना” की दवाई आपके शरीर की रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति ही है

जिसकी इम्युनिटी अच्छी होगी वो बच जाएगा और जिसकी अच्छी नहीं होगी वो नहीं बचेगा। सारांश यह है कि हमारे शरीर की इम्युनिटी ही…

Demigods not demons: Role of the khaki frontline warriors

Anil Kohli, Shivaji Sonawane, Yashwant Pal, these are one of the many names of the frontline police personnel who have selflessly dedicated their lives…

Rahul Gandhi – “The boy who cried Wolf”

Rahul has been repeatedly crying wolf, going at great lengths raising unfounded concerns as as to how the virus is going to spread alarmingly…

Lockdown reminds us habit of saving money

A combination of hard work and smart savings is a must to have an easy going life.

If novel coronavirus evolved to kill man, man may soon grow trunk/proboscis like Elephant or Tapir

Every species evolve and adapt only to enhance its survival and not to kill others in the ecosystem. Exploitation of the weaker and weakness…

The protection of rights in the course of COVID-19 pandemic

In this hour hardship the Indian states have showed the path for a balanced administration and the rich competition among the states in their…

Alcoholism: Moral enigma of addicts or a policy mishap?

We need to ask ourselves this question, why people are ready to risk their lives without fearing the pandemic to satisfy their addiction?

Indian policymakers made 21 mistakes and adopted easiest method – lockdown to abdicate their responsibility

India err on the side of extreme fear, ignorant epidemiology and medicine over novel coronavirus and purchased our economic disaster.

8 reasons why Mamata Banerjee is hiding number of Corona Positive cases in West Bengal

Is Mamata Banerjee too ashamed to take any help from Central Government, because of her own past deeds?