
सशक्त होती भाजपा के परिपेक्ष्य में समर्थकों की राह

आवश्यक होगा कि भाजपा के समर्थक ही भाजपा पर सकारात्मक दबाव बनाएं। मौलिक रूप से समर्थन और विषय विशेष पर आलोचना का मंत्र अपनाएं।…

Left to right journey that makes one a Sanghi

This author isn’t a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) member, nor is he such with any of its affiliated including Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Yet…

कल्लू मटल्लु चने कि दाल, कांग्रेसी खडगे करें कमाल

जब से खडगे साहेब कांग्रेस के सिलेक्टेड कम इलेक्टेड अध्यक्ष बने हैं, तब से वो अपनी राजमाता के समक्ष अपनी काबिलियत सिद्ध करने में…

Indian political parties established before 1947

Congress was a British creation to serve the British interest.

चुनाव आयोग कब राजनीतिक दलों को मर्यादा का पाठ सिखाएगा

राजनीतिक दल एक-दूसरे को सदाचार का पाठ तो पढ़ाते रहते हैं, मगर खुद उस पर कितना अमल करते हैं, अगर यह देखना हो तो…

Analyzing the election mandate

There isn't the dominance of a single party in these as AAP has won MCD, BJP has conquered Gujarat and Congress will rule Himachal…

Wrecking the Royals

Removing the Royals proved disastrous for India's collective conscience as they played a major role in society.

Progress of AP is possible only with BJP

Since 2014 after coming to power Modi government has been putting all measures to propel growth of AP. PM Modi visit to AP signifies…

New book tackles global Hinduphobia & anti-Hindu ecosystems, advocates need for right-wing Hindu resurgence

Indian born British Author Saurav Dutt has penned ‘Modi & Me: A Political Reawakening’ an unflinching book that deals with the reasons behind the…

Congress claims its President elections are ‘democratic in nature’: Are they and will Congress repeat history

Democracy means the government of the people, for the people, and by the people and one of its primary aims is the respect of…