Congress Lies

Congress is on suicide mode in Indian politics

The twin problems of the congress party are, one, the excessive love for the family and the unreasonable hatred towards Narendra Modi.

Exposing Rahul Lies on Rafale- Part 1

Exposing Rafale lies bit by bit the elaborate hoax build by Rahul and some media houses over the years.

Let India grow

Constructive criticism is the Opposition along with the help of sincere journalists must come forward to find faults with the way things are progressing…

In the situation when every institution is being questioned, media is the solution

The way presidential debates being held in US need to be implemented in other ways in this country, so that people are clear of…

I am going to vote first time in my 51 years this time, here is why

I've witnessed the dirtiest of Indian Politics in my 51 years, hence never felt like voting. But I'll vote this time because I see…

No, Mr. Gandhi, It’s absolutely not done!

Trillions are on stake, banks could go in debt, country’s economy could sink, even then farmers would keep on committing suicide and that’s why Mr.…

An analysis of BJP’s Defeat in three State Elections

BJP will have to pay high price in 2019 election if they do not evolve a strategy to countering a congress lie the very…

Shelf-life of Siva bhakti of the dynast

The Siva bhakti expressed by the dynast in scientific sense will fall under the category of seasonal, niche product.

मोदी जी, ऑपोसिशन के प्रोपगेंडे की मंडी और हम

2014 के पहले हमारे जन-नायक को कट्टर हिन्दू, मास-मर्डरर और न जाने क्या बनाया गया. अभी राहुल गांधी खुद एक हिन्दू प्रोडक्ट बन के…

We need a clean man Narendra Modi and not those on bail to achieve Swacch Bharat in Indian politics

People must recognize how certain forces spread and sell lies and are virtually on bail.