Climate Change

India’s journey towards environmental sustainability

India's journey towards environmental sustainability has been marked by a number of ambitious policy initiatives, innovative solutions, and partnerships with international organizations.

Adani Group’s economic expansion vs. India’s green future: The Hindenburg Report sparks a heated debate

This article will examine the claims made by BJP on Adani group & provide a rebuttal to the opposition's allegations.

The meat industry and climate change

As the population increases, the demand for food also increases creating a problem for planet Earth and life as we know it

‘धधकती धरती’ जीवन के लिए बड़े ख़तरे का संकेत

आज धरातल पर बन रही स्थिति को ध्यान से देखें तो दुनिया का कोई भी महाद्वीप बढ़ते तापमान के चलते वहां पर हो रहे…

एक साल पहले शिवराज द्वारा शुरू की गई हरित क्रांति आज ले चुकी है जन-आंदोलन का रूप

पौधरोपण अभियान को जन आंदोलन बनाने का ही नतीजा है कि वन क्षेत्र के मामले में मध्यप्रदेश, देश भर में पहले स्थान पर है।…

Is India’s climate finance structure in alignment with its climate goals? walking its climate ?

There are solutions available today and India had successfully started leaning towards use of clean power, low-carbon transport, energy efficient buildings, and climate-smart agriculture;…

Indian celebrities turning over a new leaf

In a special report published in 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN climate body, found that plant-based diets are a…

When electricity had no use!

Reflections on Earth day - how our life changed in last few decades and its cost on environment.

Delayed today, disaster tomorrow

Recent reports point out that India is set to witness a radical increase in tropical cyclones, thunderstorms, heat waves, floods and droughts in India…

Thinning the line between natural & man-made disasters

As climate change and unsustainable development have become totems of environmental deterioration, humanity continues to incur the wrath of nature through an uneven distribution…