
The liberal trap: India’s Youth is their target

Wokeness in nutshell means getting derailed from practical life and creating fuss about sexuality and pronouns, defending Taliban but ridiculing Indian culture, defending Burqa…

How Britain’s Labour Party forcefully silences Indian Jewish critics

I am forced to speak up about the injustices heaped on me and my community of 3 people of Bene Yisrael, Gujarati Indian Jews…

कश्मीर-धर्मांन्ध्ता व सेक्युलर इंडिया

अनुच्छेद ३५ ए व धारा ३७० असंविधानिक व भूतकाल में स्वार्थपिपाषा से पूर्ण सत्तारूपी यश व विश्वशांति के नोबेल पुरस्कार की आकांक्षा का एक…

Spreading Hinduphobia: On the rise in the western countries

Several article published by major media houses in the western countries are maligning Hindus and India. This is my reply to a ignorant writer

An open letter to Karan Thapar

Is Mr. Thaper mistaken in understanding Mohan Bhagwat's speech or his hidden agendas not allowing him to see the limpid truth?