
COVID effect: Brakes on the culture of condom-solutions

India is placed at a great advantage to lead the world and show them the real path to move towards achieving a happy and…

What is caste in Sanatan Dharma?

caste in Hindu Dharma is more to do with ones nature and his motivations in this life than a badge of honour or competition…

राष्ट्रवाद ही भारत को एक सूत्र में बांध सकता है

हिन्दू संस्कृति के अलावा इस देश को कश्मीर से कन्याकुमारी, कच्छ से इटानगर तक कोई एक नहीं रख सकता है, कारण हर जाति, जन…

Colloquial use of mental health terms and why it needs to be stopped

How using words like depression, OCD and anxiety loosely are a bigger problem than you think

खोखलापन सतह पर

दुःख से बड़ा दुःख का प्रस्तुतीकरण बनता जा रहा है. दुःख से परे उसके प्रस्तुतीकरण पर संवेदनाओं और आंसुओं की बाढ़ जो आ गयी…

How Hindus in India should tackle the threat of mass conversions!

It’s high time Hindus realise if they do not listen to the problems of their fellow-men, if they fail to organise and bring solutions…

Neither novel coronavirus and COVID 19 Siamese twins nor asymptomatic carriers ‘Komodo dragon’

India must ask what the country has achieved from such a prolonged lockdown with almost 98% stringency.

COVID 19: A soft reset for Delhi woes?

his Covid-19 led situation has provided an opportunity in the form of various surprising and illuminating evidence to think about what we are doing…

The clock goes tick-tock

Would banning Tik-Tok stop the spread of hatred? Simple answer is NO. Because you have to control the influencers instead of the medium.

Review of “Why I assassinated Gandhi” by Godse

To Godse, the reasons became more important than the person on whose body those reasons were to conclude. Thus it became impersonal, perhaps.