
कोरोना की यात्रा और कोरोना के बाद की यात्रा

सकारात्मक खबर के बावजूद अभी भी कई चुनौतियां बना हुआ है जैसे-अप्रवासी मजदूर के समुचित खाने की व्यवस्था, बन्द पड़े शिक्षण संस्थान में पढ़ाई…

The one difference between the Congress of today and that of before 2014

For the sake of the future generations, for the sake of our children, please read more books about how Congress had been ruling the…

How to tackle the migrants issue

Why the hurry to ascribe something that the state/government failed at to an individual shame?

समीक्षा: प्रेमचंद की छिपी हुई कहानी ‘जिहाद’ की

आत्मगौरव, निजधर्म के सम्मान में वह मुसलमान हो जाने के स्थान पर मृत्यु को वरीयता देता है और जिहादियों के हाथों मारा जाता है।…

Pressure politics, borders and People’s Republic Of China

The future stands extremely unpredictable with China’s “great historical progress”, the USA terminating its relations with the WHO, and UK’s new proposal to form…

Action with speed and precision: PM Modi Part II

in second term PM Modi is working speedily with precision and for the aspirations of 130 crore Indians.

Regional Benches of Supreme Court in your Homes?

While reluctantly acknowledging that the resort to Videoconferencing by Supreme Court and High Courts may be the need of the hour, at this moment…

Why is China so aggressive?

The Chinese Ox is in the China shop destroying China itself with it's desperate attempts to fool it's citizenry, and one way or other…

पंथ, समाज शास्त्र और अर्थशास्त्र

भारत वो देश है जहाँ सनातन संस्कृति में कई पंथों ने जन्म लिया और लोग अपनी स्व: इच्छा से इनसे जुड़ते गए। क्योंकि सनातन…

Tablighi Jamaat was a creation of Islamic orthodoxy and intolerance for Hindus and other pagans/non-believers

This branch of Islamic adherents have regularly been involved in rioting, communal hatred and instigation of terrorist activities.