
An elephant outrage

Now everyone had completely forgotten about the poor elephant and how she died while everyone is focused on which religion the accused turn out…

The reality of Akbar that our history textbooks don’t teach!

Akbar had over 5,000 wives in his harems, and was regularly asked by his Sunni court officials to limit the number of his wives…

The jargon of free speech

Raising voice and making oneself heard is the right of every citizen, but adopting violence is not. The generation needs to understand the evil…

Bhagavad Gita- Need of difficult times

Resolutions to all kinds of problems encountered by each individual rich or poor, big or small, elderly or adolescent, from any background, gender, caste,…

Raja- A festival celebrating womanhood

Raja, a unique festival of Odisha is a positive deviation from the prevalent thoughts of considering menstruation a taboo, according to which this natural…

Modi 2.0: The rise of a new India

His first term transformed the country, by bringing in a paradigm shift in governance through inclusive economic policies that helped reign in corruption. His…

The cat & mouse game

We handle Pakistan with ‘confrontational defense’, ‘covert attack’, clubbing it with elements of दंड and doses full of भेद; whether its POK or Baluchistan.

बौद्ध मत की वो बातें, जो बताई नहीं जाती (भाग 2)

बुद्ध एक समाज सुधारक की तरह थे, इसलिए उन्होंने अपने सबसे बड़े सिद्धांत को आर्य सत्य कहा है. वो भारत को पुन: उसकी आत्मा…

कड़वे ग्रास

पीटने और प्रताड़ित करने वाले राजनेताओं पर कोई कार्रवाई नहीं होती, उनके जलवे ऐसे होते हैं कि राजनीतिक नेतृत्व भी उन्हें छेड़ने का खतरा…

Why social reforms never reach to Muslim women? Why are they still silent about their rights?

In our country and especially in Hindu religion a woman is believed to be Laxmi, a capable, educated and independent woman. This holds true…