Dr Bipin B Verma

The author is a retired professor of NIT Rourkela. He follows a nationalistic approach in life. His area of interest is “sustainable rural development”. Email: bipinbverma@gmail.com

Population explosion, changing demography and Taxpayers’ concern

Population explosion is a national concern and needs a proper and sincere attempt to curb it. At the same time “population imbalance” should not be allowed to…

अभी जागना बाकी है; कई फाइलें ऐसी हैं जो अभी खुलना बाकी है

हम "वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्" के जाल में फंसे हैं और एक वर्ग देश की संस्कृति को समाप्त करने के लिए तत्पर है।

हमारा गांव

यूं गांव हमारा सुन्दर है, कुछ लोग यहाँ के बिगड़े है, जयचन्द उन्हें तो प्यारे हैं, आजाद-भगत मर जाते हैं।

Sustainable tree plantation and afforestation

It is also argued that plantation and afforestation programs must address the issues of pollution, forest fire, and generation of employment in rural areas. 

Necessity of a family planning act for national development and retention of religious demography

Implementation of the proposed measures will increase the percentage of healthy, wealthy, cultured, and educated people in the country.

भारत एक सनातन राष्ट्र

धर्मनिरपेक्षता भारत का कोढ़ है तथा यह देश के उत्थान में एक कंटक है। इसे सनातन राष्ट्र घोषित करना आवश्यक है तथा इसमें विलम्व…

Congress is the mother of favouritism and dynasty politics

The Nehru-Gandhi family has the credit of bringing favouritism and dynastic politics to India. The success of dynastic and nepotism in congress encouraged other…

Introduce culture, agriculture and military training in the curricula

Inclusion of some new subjects, skill development programmes, agricultural training and military training may not be possible in the proposed school teaching structure. Therefore…

केन्द्र की अकर्मण्यता और बंगाल चुनाव परिणाम

जिस देश में दारू के एक बोतल और एक मुर्गे पर लोगो की राजनीतिक आस्था बदल जाती है वहां free and fair election की…

Bullock can pull rural economy

In the present article, an attempt has been made to signify the importance of muscle power of draught animals. The importance of dung and…