Victim card is better than credit card

Though many banks are offering credit card to it's customers through out the world, but Shantipriya community's people didn't want credit cards, they want…

A simple outline of the priorities of a Hindu state

A brief outline of what a state should prioritize and protect if it wishes to be called a Hindu state

Why it is important to be Nupur and Ajeet at this time

hey have stuck their neck and are fighting a direct battle. A battle which is against established thuggery in history, economics, politics and all…

Africa and the Chinese Debt Trap

The Chinese government certainly has provided a considerable push to the industrialization of Africa but now that that’s done, economic forces are moving the…

The contact tracing AI

As the world contemplates a ‘new’ normal as nations around the world ease their lockdowns and allow people outdoors more than before, much of…

The life and journey of Yogi Adityanath

As Yogi continues to redefine development politics in this country, his opposition will rise but if he continues to be in the path he…

आत्मनिर्भरता का मैला आईना और वर्तमान जीवनशैली

कभी सोचा आपने हमारी आने वाली पीढ़ी का क्या होगा? हमारे ये नन्हे बच्चे जो नाश्ते के नाम पर मैगी, पोये, मैदे की रोटी,…

Can we boycott Chinese in India?

A practical opinion on the recent demand for boycotting Chinese products, its reception on social media, and a possible way forward amidst ceaseless attacks…

पंडित नेहरू की गलतियां जिसे आज भी भुगत रहा हिन्दुस्तान

1962 की हार सेना की हार नहीं थी बल्कि राजनैतिक नेतृत्व की हार थी। राजनैतिक नेतृत्व में गलतियां की थी इसकी वजह से हुआ…

Human trafficking problem in India & the road ahead

In this article, we will analyze the scary situation in India and counters to it.