Peace professor wants civil war

Now that the heat of the election campaign is on, it seems to be becoming clear that Modi is coming back. Despite the huge announcement of NYAY, Rahul Gandhi’s bid for the top post doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. The ‘liberals’ and ‘progressives’ seem to have realized this.  Even before the campaign has really taken off, they not only are looking at defeat, they are showing signs of a meltdown.

One such instance of liberal meltdown has happened already. Sadly, it has gone to an extreme level, where one of the ‘liberals’ has even called for a civil war to overthrow the Modi govt that is likely to come to power!

The gentleman in question is Prof. Ashok Swain who works at the Uppsala University in Sweden. The gentleman is a well-known critic who regularly abuses not just Modi, but also Hindus. His hatred for Modi and his desperation to see the back of Modi seems to have crossed all limits. He acknowledges that the 2019 elections would probably be won by Modi and that he would be back as PM. He goes on to say that the only way to remove Modi is through a ‘popular democratic revolution‘. He predicts or hopes for a ‘violent civil war’ to get rid of Modi.

If you were wondering who this bloodcurdling civil war fan is, then you will be amused to know he is a peace professor. Yes, can you believe it? He is a Professor of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University in Sweden.

Looks like his idea of conflict research is to first provoke a conflict and then hope for peace. One shudders to think how his students would learn the idea of peace from him.

So many people, including the ‘Tukde Tukde’ gang have gotten away with blatant shows of anti-nationalism. Here is a man who effectively calls for a war against a democratically elected government. He too probably will get away with it. And he will continue to teach his version of ‘peace’ to students. What an irony!

The bigger message though is that even the most hardcore of Modi haters and Rahul fans seem to have given uip the fight even before it has started. As the campaign progresses, we are likely to see more such meltdowns. One can only hope that no one else preaches war and revolution when the largest democratic exercise in the world is in progress.

deepakrao: A professional from the education sector with a strong interest in politics and writing. A fan of RW politics and the PM - but not a blind bhakt!
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