
Indian education system: Then, now and how

Even today, a huge part of India's population still resides in rural India. However, there is hardly any attention being paid to the education…

India, ISRO and it’s growing scientific power

At the doorstep of 2020, India's space program stands strong with all its might & excellence.

Discovering self-identity through social purposes

Finding a purpose beyond the self has been a common defining trait of India’s changemakers and the generation that gave us freedom

Population: A ticking time bomb

We need a population control policy NOW, because as trends predict, at this rate, we will overtake China's population in 2024.

Youth will be the important factor in India’s 2019 election

76% of India’s internet users are under the age of 35 and 42% of them are between 15 and 24 years. And with 18…

Che Guevera – why youth shouldn’t idolise him

The t-shirt icon doesn't deserve that respect or status. Here are some facts about him.

Future of Social Media in Indian Politics

Social media is currently a second-fiddle in India, but in near future it will play a dominant role.

Are we inching towards New India?

New India deserve new, simple, stricter, less time consuming, transparent and implementable laws.

Enough said about DeMo, it’s time we talk about FeMo (Fear of Missing Out)

Be it any generation, the societal changes are very hard to bring. Like our grandparents and parents we, too, feel responsible to society when…