
Twitter wrongfully reports Jammu & Kashmir’s location again

In February of this year Twitter was accused of getting Jammu & Kashmir’s location wrong.

How the so-called liberals and media attacked my personal life for my tweet

Attempt to misinform the public about OROP must be resisted. I tried to do just that, and faced the wrath of hate-brigade

Anurag-Kjo : Classic Good cop Bad cop, or age old subtle Back Stabbing?

An intriguing game being played out

What’s killing Twitter – feeding the wrong dog

Pritish Nandy had written an article blaming trolls, but people need to look inwards too.

क्या युद्ध जरुरी है?

पाकिस्तान को उसकी औकात में रखने के लिए हमें अंतराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर उसका बहिष्कार करने के साथ - साथ गोरिल्ला नीति बनाकर पाकिस्तान में…

A heartfelt Thank you! To Arnab Goswami.

I would like to thank Mr. Arnab Goswami for standing up for voices like me.

रवीश कुमार के लिए एक फ़ैन का खुला पत्र

मैं वैसे तो टीवी नहीं देखा परंतु पिछले दस दिन में आपका तीन कार्यक्रम देख लिया है। हर कार्यक्रम में एक बात जो सामान्य…

When a “joke” by Shashi Tharoor mocking Modi government backfired on Twitter

Tharoor tried to playdown achievements of two years of Modi government, but he got trolled.

How the so-called secular-liberals abuse women on social media and get away with it

The kingdoms of TV and newspaper are threatened by the new colonies of Twitter and Facebook.