
USA and Russia: The way forward

There is no less chance that Trump may flip-flop from his stand on Russia and his policies would be the result of geo-political and…

How is Indian IT warming up to Trump?

Indian IT is as fundamental and ingrained in American culture as ‘Raj Koothrappali’ of Big Bang Theory, however naïve it may sound or appear,…

What the victory of Trump means for the world politics

The Trump win has ensured the return of Right in the world's oldest democracy.

Arrogant left is not able to digest Trump’s victory

Liberals seem to forget that democracy is for the people of the people and by the people.

OMG! It’s Trump: The liberal left’s ‘vidhwaa vilaap’

Liberal elites are failing to read what common people want

US Elections : Which Candidate is better for Indian Interest

A look at the US elections from India point of view