Time Magazine

India’s COVID crisis: Opportunity for Rana Ayyub to spew venom against Modi, Time provides the platform

It's astonishing that how international publications allow their platforms to be used, without any iota of sanctity and neutrality, and let her run amok…

Reverent Modi versus un-teachable dynast who refuse to learn good politics

The dynast has revealed recently and that is he is not only un-teachable but also so adamant and determined not to learn any decency…

Time Magazine- victim of lobby or villain of India? Elect Modi and save India

The cover page article in Time magazine about Modi, describing him to be as the divider by a journalist of Pakistani origin, shows nothing…

Modi – India’s Divider in Chief between Kaamdars and Naamdars

Aatish Taseer could perhaps have added any one of the following subtitles to his article’s header: India’s Divider in Chief - Between Corrupt and…