Tik Tok Banned in India

Snapping TikTok, signalling Twitter: Ban and beyond

Eardrums of Twitter, Facebook and Wikipedia must have felt the sensation of govt's slap on the cheeks of TikTok-plus-58

The threat of Chinese cyber-attack is looming over India

Cyber ​​experts believe that banning apps is just the beginning and that an outraged China could try to harm Indian cyberspace in return.

Digital strike: Rights and wrongs

Tik Tok has been used in India more than any nation. Even more than China. So, from this, you can understand the money Tik…

हास्य-व्यंग्य: टिकटोकियों को मिलेगा ‘मनरेगा’ में रोजगार

फासीवादी सरकार ने भी टिक टॉक स्टार्स की अद्भुत नौटंकी की कला को दबा नहीं सकी। संघ,भाजपा और आई टी सेल वालों द्वारा सोशल…