
Start preparing for the new normal in the post-coronavirus world

Actions that we and our governments should take in containing future biological threats.

साम्यवाद – लोकतंत्र और राष्ट्रीय अखंडता के लिए खतरा

साम्यवाद में प्रतिएक मानव को संदेह की दृष्टि से देखने की प्रवृत्ति के कारण राजकीय तंत्र (सरकारी अफसर, प्रशाशन, सेना) सकती से काम करे…

Agony of Heaven’s demolition in 1990

Since the revocation of Article 370, Kashmir as a part of the J&K Union Territory seems have to become the old peace-loving beautiful paradise…

धर्मनिरपेक्षता या कायरता

अब जब देश तमाम कुर्बानियों और नुकसान के बाद आजाद हुआ है तो एक बार फिर भ्रमित किया जा रहा है कि हम असहिष्णु…

भारत एक सभ्यता

दुनिया में जीतनी भी बर्बादी हो रही हैं, उस में सरे धर्म आते हैं सिवाय हिन्दू धर्म के।

Imran Khan explained precisely why Islamophobia is necessary in 21st century

A person like Imran Khan, who comes from an affluent family, is a Pakistani elite from whichever standard you look, says he would have…

My journey through Greece, a discovery of India

Some great similarities between Indian and Greece culture.

Pakistan’s way to war, peace, and diplomacy

Pakistan’s purpose of war is not to secure itself, but to prove it has the ability to hurt India.

Al Qaeda releases video on Kashmir, criticizes Pakistan for exploiting the Mujahideen for their political objectives

Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has called upon jihadists to single-mindedly focus on inflicting unrelenting blows on the Indian Army and government.

Mumbai’s Black Friday to Lanka’s Ester Sunday: The appeasement journey

The appeasement politics of Lanka took lives of hundreds. The Lankan government had been warned for the past couple of years to crack down…