Tamil Nadu Politics

BJP and Rajinikanth

The Modi-Shah duo may work wonders in the Hindi belt, but in Tamil Nadu, they are being led by Rajinikanth, who is not as…

Before Maridhas there was Kishore K Swamy

The elite media screams intolerance when the proletariat (dubbed ‘Hindutva mob’) voices opposition to flagrantly false and inherently xenophobic statements by ‘unbiased’ media/celebrities or…

Maridhas – Young Nationalist, targeted by corrupt, anti-Hindu forces in Tamil Nadu

While the TN Government kept silence and did not act against any of these anti-social elements, it chose to arrest Maridhas, who is well…

Know why #GoBackStalin became a top Twitter trend as CM MK Stalin tours Tamil Nadu

The hashtag #GoBackStalin has been trending on Twitter with more than 807,000 tweets when touring the Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore district of his home state.

The Trojan horse of an HRCE minister

He has announced melting of all temple jewels– donated by Kings, Devotees and Seers over millenniums and convert them into Gold Bars- for safe…

Why EV Ramasamy doesn’t deserve to be celebrated

EV Ramasamy, anointed as Periyar (Great man) by the Dravidian movement, had not been great by any means whereas mean by all means.

How MK. Stalin’s DMK government meddling into Hindu religious affairs

Can TN Govt implement the same Tamil language prayers for Tamil Muslims? Can MK Stalin over reach the Islamic affairs?

Why BJP failed in West Bengal & what it can do now

Modi-Shah did not know that a good proportion of Hindu Bengali of West Bengal would prefer to align with Muslim Bengali of Bangladesh than…

Rise of Hindu vote in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal

it can be safely assumed that with new rising Hindu vote, the non traditional BJP states might also have got good influence on ideology…

Tamilnadu’s typical attitudinal change has to precede political change

Typical tamilian mindset influence their voting pattern and a basic attitudinal change is required to precede the political change. The author tries to impress…