Social distancing

How to win the war against CoVID-19

Some very basic yet very effective strategy to contain and subsequently eradicate the contagious disease of CoVID-19.

बहराइच में मांस विक्रेता कलीम ने इंस्पेक्टर गौरव सिंह पर धारदार हथियार से हमला किया

सब इंस्पेक्टर गौरव सिंह ने लाक डाउन की बात कहते हुए दुकान को बंद करने का आग्रह किया लेकिन मीट विक्रेता कलीम ने उनकी…

Hats off to 1.3 billion Indians and their leader

this crisis showed that, Indian life was much more protected than rest of the world. India was also able to treat many foreigners, who…

Judiciary may need to adapt itself in these pandemic times

In such difficult times, the Judiciary may be well advised to introduce the precept and practice of Written Submissions, (which is now part of…

Beware of Contract Tracing (CT)

It seems far scarier than the pandemic itself. If the message of ways and means of Contract Tracing is driven home, all the Covidiots…

RIP addiction

The Corona virus has not only hit the health and economy of the countries but has also exposed the hollowness of addiction.

Common man’s view on solidarity

Should we move to the community spread stage we will reach unimaginable level of human destruction given India’s health infrastructure, public health support and…

Ducking the COVID-19

Voluntary compliance, which is a practical philosophy, would decide whether India would duck the COVID-19 trends.

It’s time to keep to keep religious identity aside: The reality of Corona Jihad?

There is a high chance that the extremist terrorist group can use this weapon to further worsen the situation by accelerating the local transmission…