Self-sufficient economies

20 लाख करोड़ रुपये के पैकेज का दूसरा भाग

इस पैकेज का दूसरा भाग 14 मई को जनता के सामने लाया गया जो मुख्यतः कृषकों, प्रवासी मजदूरों और रेहड़ी-ठेला लगाने जैसा व्यापार करने…

Does salaried class need Covid relief?

Providing relief to Salaried class not only asinine but also hugely counter productive. The most important factor for a Salaried person today is to…

Study of Indian economy: Challenges & opportunities in the post-COVID scenario

Our economics must be more benevolent, it must not just benefit our people but also we must be in an advantageous position to help…

Corona pandemic: An opportunity to rethink global mobility

The concept of Gram Swaraj (self-reliant villages) by Mahatma Gandhi decades back seems more relevant in the current situation