Selective Coverage of Media

The Wire: An example of tarnished reporting

"An army colonel and a major were among five personnel killed in an encounter in north Kashmir that also saw the death of two…

Selectivity, national interest and media

Can we practice selectivity in the national interest? Truth can be delayed but cannot be avoided.

मीडिया की निगेटिविटी से बचने के लिए तीन मई तक आंख-कान ढंकना भी ज़रूरी है

अखबार-पत्रिकाएं भले ही अभी बंद हों लेकिन उसमें शोर मचानेवाले चुप नहीं हैं. वे सोशल मीडिया में जाकर चिल्ला रहे हैं कि लॉकडाउन की…

What the Right needs to learn from the Left!

From Bernie Sanders calling it an attack against the Muslim community in the country to India's very own media houses calling it a state-sponsored…

रविश कुमार- 19 साल की लड़की ने पाकिस्तान जिंदाबाद क्या कहा कि मंच पर घबराहट मच गई

रवीश कुमार का लगभग प्रत्येक प्राइम टाइम "It suites my agenda" वाले मॉडल पर आधारित होता है जिसमें वे उन सभी खबरों को प्राथमिकता…

Blinded by Modi’s hatred? A response to Christine Ro

Christine Ro with her recent piece in Forbes on Modi, asks us to believe Zahid Khan, a restaurant worker, in New York, but doesn't…

“Freedom” of the press?

The first ever sources of censorship came from the Church in the western world in trying to control the knowledge circulated through an emerging…

The curious case of misleading headlines & how to spare the propaganda

The media houses very-well know that readers these days hardly care to read the entire article, so they nicely take an advantage of it…

The Wire calls Nationalism as toxic and suspects Uri attack

Don'e expect any better journalism from them, the news house is from the gang who asked for the proof of surgical strike!

The Wire – Your article on ‘Uri’ Movie is SICK and it’s time for us to retaliate

We retaliated. And we're proud of our Army's nationalism and that's our nationalism too.