rape cases in India

Should capital punishment be sentenced for rape?

Should capital punishment be sentenced to rapists? Well, a strict punishment along with reformative content and better educating people is the need for an…

No injuries implies no rape

In the flawed order passed by the respected High Court, nucleus of the decision was absence of injury which means absence of resistance and…

Rape: Crime or culture?

We cannot make it a daily practice it should be stopped and women's should feel safe in her country. We are bound to this…

The selectiveness of outrage against rape cases in India, and how it weakens the movement against it, and the judicial system of the country?

Sometimes, due to the popular outrage which is created by manipulation of public opinions, we forget there is something like the law also prevails…

A broken society

The lack of the enforcement of laws, the extreme ignorance of the government and many other such factors combine together to give a rise…

हम कब सुधरेंगे और कुछ सीखेंगे

इस देश में भाईचारा बढ़ाने का सबसे सही तरीका यही है की हिन्दू अपनी बेटी और बहनो को चारा समझ कर उन भाईजान के…

बस! अब और नहीं!

चाहे निर्भया कांड हो या कठुआ। उन्नाव की घटना हो या हाथरस। सब में मानवीय विकृति साफ झलकती है। इन घटनाओं की जितनी भी…

Marital rape scenario in India

In marital rape the victim being the wife suffers all kinds of hardships and husband being the perpetrator doesn’t feel he his doing anything…

बेटी बचाओं, बेटी पढ़ाओं के बीच बेटीओं का बलात्कार

हमारे यहां राम मंदिर और मस्जिद बनाने के लिए तो संगठन बन सकते हैं। पर बलात्कार और शोषण जैसे घटनाओं को रोकने के लिए…

Why our media, cops and lawmakers don’t deserve to celebrate the Hyderabad Encounter

As a society we should take our police, media, lawmakers and judiciary to task instead of celebrating their failures.