Ramjas College

How my Delhi University professor humiliated me to satisfy his ego

If such professors are there in Delhi University, than how one can think of respecting them.

From JNU to Ramjas: What we need to understand

Why Communists are moving hand in hand with Afghanistan in Indian universities, who were once at the loggerhead.

Gurmehar Kaur: The useful idiot of left liberalism

The misplaced idealism which teaches Gurmehar that war killed her father is result of Marxist indoctrination of students in Indian universities. Indian academia is…

राजनीति में आने के लिए “शार्ट कट” की तलाश करती गुरमेहर कौर

राजनीतिक दलों की लिखी हुयी स्क्रिप्ट पर काम करते हुए पहले तो गुरमेहर कौर ने इस सारे मामले को अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी से जोड़ते…

Do Prerna Bhardwaj’s wounds hurt less ?

Why is the media silent about Prerna Bharadwaj?

Freedom of speech Vs Nationalism

With rising violent incidents in educational institutes in name of freedom of speech and expression it is important to draw the fine line between…