Ramchandra Guha

Crisis-hit India needs advisers with clean image and expertise

Ramchandra Guha blames PM Modi not listening to the expert unlike Congress Prime Ministers. Lets see what would have been different had Nehru and…

A take on the rising anti Hindu chant

Hindutva is being targeted by the opposition as it is some sort of disease that one needs to get rid of; which has and…

Reply to Ramchandra Guha’s open letter written to Supmreme Court judges

Mr. Guha, don't try tp shake people's faith in the judiciary by your silly arguments.

This is why liberal -Rajdeep Sardesai and Ramachandra Guha’s enthusiasm to paint all Hindus bad, is diabolical

Mr. Rajdeep and Ramachandra Guha conveniently use Gandhi ji to shield their views, but mock him for his views about religious conversions and moral…

Undeclared emergency | A liberal culture

In the coming days, the conservative right should be aware of the actual undeclared emergency on them that the monstrous North Korean Darbaaris are…

DALALS make Governors the Fall Guys

The usual suspects have dumbed down the reprehensible Bengal violence to a debate about how BJP-appointed Governors are causing mischief. They have dragged down…

A (likely) post-BCCI scenario of the cricketing world

Who needs who between BCCI and ICC?