
A ludicrous attempt of defending the undefendable

Does the imbecile leftist intelligentsia know that it is just trying to Defend the Undefendable?

No, Javed Akhtar, I will not celebrate Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Even if we accept that Faiz’s poem was in the context of a protest against a Pakistani dictator, why sing it in India against…

Modi’s Triple Talaq bill and Congress’ anti-woman tactics

Even Pakistan has outlawed Triple Talaq, so by claiming 'Hindu-Pakistan' and opposing Triple Talaq, are Congress leaders showing that they are worse than Pakistan?

Riddles in the Risala-2: Challenging fanaticism in the name of One God

Scripture of Monotheism is monologue while that of Polytheism is dialogue. The latter one is not dogmatic.

Riddles in the Risala- 1: Abrahamic religions should be probed into

The foundation of Abrahamic religions is to destroy polytheism.

The crucial difference between ‘Indian Muslim’ and ‘Muslim Indian’

For the two words Muslim and India, we need to understand that in modern context, which one should be the object and which should…

Talaq or Jihad — the pattern in liberal response

Why are our liberals more interested in giving justice to Islam than giving justice to the victims?