
गरीब का सामाजिक न्याय

गरीबी के नाम पे दिया गया आरक्षण किसी भी आरक्षित को ही नहीं पच रहा। जबकि एक आरक्षित ही दूसरे आरक्षित का हक़ मार…

The sparks stand neglected

The issues of communalism, criminalization of politics and other spheres of life, regionalism, poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the others need to be taken…

India’s poverty predicament

The government should be aware, which is expected it is that satisfaction in reducing the number of poor by setting only a reference line…

Lottery and gambling menace

In our country, especially the economically weaker section spends a handsome portion of their earnings on the lottery (a foul means to prosper) and…

Namonomics to eliminate global poverty

Modi's one move eradicated so many problems of India.

Inspired by Mukul Kesavan : the magical India before 1991

Mukul Kesavan is talking about an India that never existed.