
Ramya sedition issue and how we got it all wrong, or right.

The curious case of actor-politician Ramya

Dalits, Cows and Politics

A new narrative

A heartfelt Thank you! To Arnab Goswami.

I would like to thank Mr. Arnab Goswami for standing up for voices like me.

Narendra Modi and the “Contrast Effect”- will it benefit him ?

Gujarat was resurrected by Narendra Modi over a period of 12 and a half years, a period which he got due to the favourable…

Federal Polity and Article 356 – the way forward

Article 356 has proved to be a major impediment in the growth of healthy federal relationship between the union and the states in Indian…

Arunachal Pradesh verdict an example of judicial override?

The judiciary must function its own way not by interpreting the Constitution in the way they want but within the framework of Constitution.

Deciphering Narendra Modi government’s Pakistan Policy

Is Narendra Modi's Pakistan policy working? Or Has Modi taken a u-turn since his CM of Gujarat days? An analysis.

Will there be sympathy wave if action against Gandhi family is taken by Modi?

Should Narendra Modi be afraid of taking action against Sonia Gandhi and the Nehru-Gandhi family members?