
How to tackle the migrants issue

Why the hurry to ascribe something that the state/government failed at to an individual shame?

Ranchod’s “Ranneeti”: Strategy in times of Covid-19

This article takes an eagle-eye view of the lockdown’s strategy from the "Leela’s" of Lord Krishna.

Monsoon session of Indian Parliament- May our MPs be allowed to work from home!

The whole country wants the two houses decisively address the key issues so that India can come out of the present pandemic, convert the…

Making a case for the safety of health professionals in India

The least a govt and a society can ensure is, the health workers should have a violence-free environment to work as its absence can…

Modi govt vis-a-vis Bengal politics: What can a policy of ‘endless patience’ deliver?

Will the policy of endless patience and unwillingness to take any drastic action help tackling the grave pandemic? Or, would it snatch away all…

What does the Vedas teach us, in this Pandemic

The world has recognized the way of untouched greeting- 'Namaste'. World has so much to learn from Hinduism and its scriptures for the betterment…

Challenge of Covid-19 pandemic: The Buck will finally stop at the Centre’s doors

It is time to put its slogan 'sabka sath sabka vikas sabka viswas' to serious introspection. In the practical world, a leader, however great,…

Chinese dream and the post-Covid world order

Has China’s “affirmative nationalism” rooted in President Xi Jinping concept of the “Chinese Dream” become the new reality of global geopolitics?

Road-map for government actions during and after the coronavirus pandemic

This article provides the steps that governments should be taking as their countries move along the pandemic curve

India is sitting on Corona bomb

Time is ticking away! Government must act firm, right & fast