Opposition Party

किसानों का ऐसा अपमान- नहीं सहेगा हिन्दुस्तान

विपक्ष के नेता पिछले ३ सालों के मोदी सरकार के सफल कार्यकाल से इस कदर बेहाल नज़र आ रहे हैं कि अब उन्हें "नकली…

Is winning only because of Modi wave?

PM Narendra Modi is not only selling dreams but also selling positivism and hopes for better India.

Curious case of convenient argument

When nothing is left to argue, the opposition has taken the last weapon of questioning the election results calling them forged. To support the…

Rise of the right : What can the comatose left do to revive itself?

The left needs to understand that they need the right as much as they need them. It should be a healthy tug of war…

The meaning of Modi win for me

Opposition and media must realize that Narendra Modi is not an event in arbitrariness. He is writ firmly on the fate of this nation…

Play with numbers in Aiyar way

Where is the confusion Mr. Aiyar? Modi or BJP enjoys 100 percentage electorate mandate. Here is how.

2019: Path ahead for BJP

Opposition has accepted it that they are in tight-corner. Not even 'Mega Grand Alliance' is going to help them if they don't sense the…

दिल्ली, गुजरात और हिमाचल में भाजपा की जीत लगभग तय

२०१४ के बाद से ही किसी पार्टी की हार या जीत नहीं हो रही है- जीत उस विचारधारा की हो रही है, जिसे देश…

A message to all the sections after the election results

The majority of minorities and not only them but most of the people on this earth are more interested in employment, education and other…

मोदी सरकार जीत गयी लेकिन हारा कौन?

जहां एक तरफ मोदी का करिश्मा और अमित शाह की रणनीति की जीत हुयी है, वहीं उन सभी लोगों की हार हुयी है, जो…